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"Yes," minho replied

"Bro, you have been hiding your husband from us?" changbin asked, feeling disappointed, thinking minho hides it from them.

"No, i don't even know who my future husband is," he said, staring at nothing.

"So it's arrange marraige" chan make sure.

"Yeah," minho replied.

"So you are here to invite us?"hyunjin asked.

"If you want, you can come if you don't want it. It's up to you guys, I don't even care about this marriage," minho replied, stretching his arms.

"Do you know what's your future husband's name is?" changbin asked.

"He is probably cute," hyunjin said, looking at minho.

"No, I don't know. I don't care however he looks," minho sternly said.

"Okay, okay,"chan said.

'I'll get going bye hyung and you two idiots, " minho said and left.

Weeks later,

It's their wedding day. They are now both ready for the wedding physically, not mentally.
Minho is already in front of everyone, and he is waiting for his husband-tobe.

Now, finally, the guy I'm going to marry is in his way. People are cheering. I can't see his face well as he slowly comes towards me. He-wait.. That's -that's Jisung.Is he my Husband-tobe???No way.. Why him?
But he looks handsome and cute....oh wait, Leeminho, just because you are marrying him, it doesn't mean you have to compliment him.....


So, it's finally a wedding day? OhOhMyGosh.I'm nervous . I don't even know who that guy.What if he is gonna be an Old Man??ugh-i can't believe .I hate everyone, mostly this author.

I'm on Alley Way towards my husband-tobe, what? GoshI hate this.He has to be handsome like Minho.
Thinking about minho, he sigh.Whatever, I don't like him anymore.

From here, I can see the person, and he is tall , slim. Yeah, his body looks hot and has little long hair.Thank God, it's him, not an Old Ma - what?????i internally scream.. LeeMinho, as in the Leeminho, my Excrush???
This has to be a joke!!

But unfortunately and luckily(huh?)
It is real.
Wait, why do I feel happy that I am marrying him?
I let out a calm sigh and continued walking.

He is gazing at me without any emotion but full disappointment on his faces. He probably doesn't want to marry me.
But why does my parent want me to marry him, for what?


"Do you, Mr. Lee Minho, take Han jisung as your husband and will be with him for the rest of his life?"(don't come at me, I don't know any shit about marriage💀)

"I do," the Lee Minho said.

(to jisung, too)

"I do,"Han said.

"Now you may kiss"the priest(remind me of jeongin lol)said

Minho leaned closer and pressed a lights kiss on jisung lip (uWu)

Han was stunned and did his crush. I mean, his ex crush just kissed him???yeahh idiot.

They both were lost in their thoughts starting at each other.
Both of them could not believe what is happening.
They are now separated from meeting their friends.

"Yeah, Hanjisung!" someone called him.
He turned around and saw it's his friend.

"It's Lee jisung now," said Seungmin.

"Bitch shut up" han replied.

"You are married to Lee minho, am I dreaming?" Felix whispered yelled.

"Hmm"Han hum blushing

"Yeah hyung how do you feel to finally get married with your crush?" jeongin asked teasingly.

"Nothing Much" jisung replied his face look disappointed.
"Why?? Aren't you happy??felix asked.

"He doesn't like me lix I don't think this marraige even mean something to him"he said faking a smile.

"Don't worry sungie, he will soon have feeling for you too"seungmin assured.

"Yeah.....you are gonna live in a new house with him, a new bedroom with him, who knows what might happen later at night" Felix teased his just married friend.

"Oh gosh...stop lix " jisung said hiding his flustered face.

"Aigoo.....my hyung is blushing" jeongin said chuckling.

"Aish Bye" jisung said.

"Where??to your husband??" seingmin teased and both Felix and jeongin laughed.


Did I kissed him?did I kissed han jisung??!
Gosh, but he was cute. . I smile remembering his expression .. Wait why I am smiling.
I snapped out of it, when I see my friends approached me.

"Lee minho my friends, how was the kissed?"hyunjin asked making his two friends laugh.
"Yeah Hwang Hyunjin"Minho starting at him.

"mianhe mianhe"hyunjin defend hiding behind chan.

"But not gonna lie your husband is cute" chan said.
"Whatever" minho scoffed "I still don't like him"

"well well"changbin disagree.

"He is my classmate I didn't even know that I'm gonna marry him"minho said.

"Wow if I meet him before I would have asked him out and date him"hyunjin chuckling and got a stares from minho hyunjin noticed and zipped his mouth making his friends laugh again.

"possessive much" chan said.

"I am Not" he said and left.

"I see" chan uttered.

"Chan I bet you he will fall for that cutie in No time"changbin offered a bet.

"Gosh why you bet that, I should be saying that instead" chan replied.

"Yeah they look good together" hyunjin said.


It's already night and we are heading to the mansion our moms bought for us.
We didn't utter any words while on our way.
It was silent awkward silence.
So a few minutes before we arrive.

"Look here"I said.

"what?" he replied. How rude

"Just because we are married, it doesn't mean we are close"I said.

[Their wedding outfits]
[Bro! I posted the pictures, but it got some problems, and the pics are gone ! Uh ....I don't have those pic in my gallery anymore!]

Arrannge Marriage- Unrequited | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now