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"uhmm-"minho replied not knowing what to say cuz he just wanna spent his time with or

Maybe because he doesn't want jisung to be with that guy sun woo or who ever he is.

"What?you have something to say? I need to go"jisung asking in hurried.

"Uhmm....can we hang out later?" he asked..

'What are you saying minho' he scolded himself.

"I have told you that I going on a date with sunwoo" he said in confusion.

"Ditch him" minho bluntly said.

"No, why don't you hang out with your boyfriend or Girlfriend?" jisung harshly said and left from there.

"What?he is mad cuz I asked him to on a date with me or because I said to ditch the guy?" he talked to himself.

Minho's mood is really bad now.

'He ditch his own husband and hang out with another guy?well fine' minho muttered.

A little jealous?maybe.


From here I can see jisung with his friends and that sunwoo guy talking, laughing.This made my blood boil.Not because he laugh with his friends but that dude.

So I start to act.

"Chaeryeongie" I called her name.

"Yes oppa" she replied sweetly.

"You know you are so pretty?" I touch her nose.

"Ohhwwww. ...thank you oppa, you are handsome too " she said snuggling and holding my arms

"For being so cute, why don't we go on a little date," I said out loud enough so jisung or where jisung and his friends can hear.

"Ohmoo really?" she giggled excitedly.

"Yeahhh of course cutie" I said fake cooing at her not so cute like jisung cheeks.

I turn to look at jisung but I found him glancing at me with expressionless face and then he also snuggle beside sun woo.

"Sunwoo , I can't wait to go on a date with you later" jisung said pouting...loud enough for me to hear.

"Ohh really , lets go then" sunwoo wink at him.

'Fuck you , fuck it' I internally curse.

"Right now?" jisung beamed.

"Yes baby, let's go" he said.

Both of them get up from their seat.
Intertwining their hands.

I hit my hand on the table, Fuck

'Han Jisung' I whispered madly.

He left?, not even looking back?.

Now, I'm at home sitting on the couch scrolling my phone.

You maybe thinking if I went on a date with Chaeryeong.

Nope , I didn't.

I give some excuses and she believe it and
I told her maybe we can hang out another day.

I don't know about that.

Just then, it's already half past 6.

Jisung hasn't come home yet.

Where is he?

What is he doing?

Is he really staying at sunwoo house?.

Arrannge Marriage- Unrequited | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now