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It's lunchtime, as usual, Jisung would be with his friends.

They were chattering,just then, sunwoo came to them.

"Can I join?" Sun Woo asked for permission.

"Yeah, of course," Jisung beamed.

"Thank you," he replied, sitting on the bench beside Jisung.

"Well, well, you never smile at us like that," Felix commenced.

"Cuz you guys always annoyed me," said Jisung, answering his food.

"Why are these two so quiet?" sunwoo asked, referring to Seungmin and I.N.

"They don't like -"Felix was interrupted.

"- Shut up and eat this,"Jisung interrupted, stuffing a sushi into Felix's mouth.

"Oh, GOSH JISUNG!!!" Felix yelled with his mouth full.

All four of them laugh.

"Take this." Sun Woo offered water to Felix.

"Thanks, bro!" Felix grabbed the bottle.

After lunch they went bag to class a few minutes later the teacher came and just like that the class ended.

Jisung was about to go home when Sunwoo called him.

"Are you going alone?" he asked
"Yes," Jisung replied.
"I'm also, let's walk together," Sunwoo told.
"Yeah... okay," Jisung said and started walking.
"You live alone or with your parents?" asked Sunwoo.
Jisung didn't know how to answer.
"Uhmm. I live with a cousin, "

"Ohh," Sun Woo simply stated.

"I'm bored staying with him. Can we like hang out sometimes, of course, when you are free?" asked Jisung.

"Yeah, I'll always be free for you," sunwoo said, winking.

"Gosh, stop, don't start flirting," jisung chuckles.

"So, do you like to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" sunwoo asked.

"Uhmm-Nope," jisung replied.

"Ohhh, so I still got a chance then," sunwoo said, teasing.

"Yaaa....what are you saying? Why would someone be handsome as you like me?" Jisung said.

"Han, who would not like this cute squirrel?Probably not me," sunwoo stated, pinching jisung's checks.

"Omoo, that hurts," jisung pouted, rubbing his red cheecks.

"You are really Cute Han," Sun Woo chuckles.

Jisung chuckles, too. " Of course I am," joking.

"This is my way, and we are part, I guess,"sunwoo stated.

"Yeahh," jusung replied.

"Soo....how about tomorrow?" sunwoo asked.


"About the hang out!"

"Okay, after college,"




"Jisung?" minho called.

"What, why you called?"

"Can you be kind sometimes?" minho asked, sighing.

"Yeah, if you are kind enough to me too," jisung sarcastically replied.

"What did I even do?" minho asked.

"You did nothing, actually," jisung replied, not in the mood to talk.

"Well, I just wanna be nice to you. Let's start a new journey. We are married, so let's act like a married couple? No! I mean, like we are married, so I thought we should stop being childish, " minho said, scratching his nape.

"Like just normal, you know?"he added.

"What happened to you? Did you get possessed or something?" jisung asked.

"No, nothing happened, I just feel like we fought for no reason, so I don't want that to happen anymore."

"What- you have got a boyfriend , girlfriend or something?" jisung asked, joking.

"Maybe , you can say so," Minho said, thinking his eyes up, nodding.

"Uhh, okay," jusung just muttered.

'So she is actually his girlfriend?' jisung thought.

"Hmmm, okay then, it's your life," Jisung said, going to his room.

When jisung entered inside his room.He didn't even know he cried.

Minutes later , minho come in to the room to sleep.He lay beside jisung. He doesn't care if he got kicked off from the bed later, but he wants to sleep on the bed as he is more comfortable

As you know, minho is sleeping without his clothes.

So yeah, just to remind you, haha..

Minho was staring at jisung faces. His squirrel cheeks, pouty lip, and his eyes,,,,,wait there's a tears stain.Did he cried himself to sleep?.

Thinking of it makes me sad. What happened to him?why did he cry?

He didn't know he fell asleep while staring at jisung.

He wakes up in the morning. jisung is no more in the bed

He went downstairs.

There's also no jisung.

Where is he going so early in the morning? He thought.

"You already awake?"
Minho turned to look, and there he was in the kitchen.

"ohh, you are there?"
"Yeahh,,, why?" jisung asked.
"Nothing," minho replied.
"You are weird, already in the morning,"
"Today I'll be coming late," jisung told.
"Why?" asked minho.
"I'll hang out with my new friend, Sunwoo, you know him, right?" jisung asked.

"Ohhh.  Yeah, yeah, I know him,"minho said, staring at jisung.

"But don't come too late," minho told

"Well, I don't know, what if I end up staying at his house?" Jisung jokes, laughing.

"Why do you have to stay at his house?" Minho said, glaring at jisung  sternly.

"You know yesterday, he asked me if I have a boyfriend or not, I said no, and he said that he still got a chance, that dude is funny," jisung said, laughing by himself.

"You said you don't have a boyfriend?"minho asked.

"Yeahh," I told him that, and he winked at me asking to hang out with him,,,,he is really funny, " jisung said, chuckles.

"Hmm," minho replied, "Some kind of like annoyed.

"That means you are going on a first date with him?" minho asked.

"Hmmm, you can say so?"jisung replies while thinking, crossing his arm, his one finger tapping his chin.

"Ohhh well, have a nice date then," minho replies, lamely, walking upstairs.

He felt hurt. He didn't know why, but he hated the fact that jisung was gonna hang out with someone or even have a boyfriend.

I hate him, right?but why do I suddenly feel this ways,.he thought.

Recently, I have been founding myself staring at him.
Looking for him. And sometimes I have the urge to give a deadly stare at someone trying to be with jisung.
And a while ago, it just made me more annoyed. Why would he go to a date when he has a husband? Can't he just ask me if he wants to go on a date somewhere?

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