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When Minho opened the door he saw a guy carrying Jisung in his arms "Can I get in" The guy said "Yes" replied Minho. When the guy lay Jisung on the couch the guy sighed."Are you his brother" the guy asked "No" Minho replied "What happened to him" Minho added.

"He told me was hanging out with his friend and they left cuz he told them to and after a while I saw him and I bring him here...by the way, he was crying...I don't know the reason" the guy explains.

"May I know your name?" asked Minho.
"I'm jungkook, you?" he told.

"I'm Minho, thanks for taking him home" I appreciated him.

"No problems, I'll get going it's dark, take care of him," he said and left.

"Yeah sure" Minho replied.

He look at Jisung his face was puffy, why did he cry gosh such a baby.
He takes off Jisung's bag and hat and lets him sleep on the couch peacefully(who can sleep peacefully on a couch?).

"I have told him not to hang out late but he didn't listen. Aish this guy" He muttered.

'I'm also gonna sleep' he yawns walking upstairs.

Minho was lying on his bed, about to sleep he got interrupted by thinking of that guy before. 'He is probably not his boyfriend, he doesn't seem to act like one. I guess he was flirty with Jisung a lot' he thought and dive to sleep.

It's now morning, Minho woke up early taking showered and came downstairs just to see Jisung still sleeping.
He decided to cook breakfast for both of them and then left for college.

Jisung by now already awake and he felt thirsty and went to the kitchen in search of water. He opened the fridge and gets some fresh water.
He saw a plate of food on the tables which is kept under a food cover.
"Did he cook for me?" he asked himself and noticed a paper note beside it.

  Hey Jisung, I'm heading to college I already make breakfast make sure to eat it.
Yesterday, jungkook dropped you home I don't know what happened but I thought I should tell you, you were sleeping so, and he said you cried, did you? Why thou? anyways, if you are coming to college, then don't be late.

Just because I'm being nice today don't run at me at college to ruin my mood

           BYE sleepyhead.

Jisung was happy while reading the notes. He thought that the old man was finally being nice to him.
Until he read the last lines, Aish.
He went to take a shower and came back downstairs to eat his breakfast.

After that, he left for college, and his mood is good. He reached school and first of all, he went to his friends excitedly.

"Hey guys," Jisung happily greeted.

"Yoo wassup sungie" Felix greeted back.

"You seem to be in a good mood today hyung" Jeongin asked wondering what makes his hyung happy today.

"Yeah, what's the occasion sungie?" Seung-min joined the conversation.

"First of all since when you guys started calling me 'Sungie' and yeah I'm happy today cuz Minho Hyung was being nice to me for the first time," he tells

" For the first time?" Felix asked looking at Jisung.

"Yeah" Jisung replied before he huffed

"He is not cold though, we argued, bickering always, yesterday I came home late and in the morning he left a note and he was being nice on the notes" Jisung explains.

"You reached home late yesterday?" Felix asked.

"Yeah. After you guys left I was still drinking" Jisung confessed touching his ear awkwardly.

"Gosh, Then who dropped home?" Seungmin asked.

"A friend," Jisung said

" so you got a new friend and didn't even tell us," Felix said crossing his arm and waiting for Jisung's answer.

" No I met him on Saturday while pumping into him, he took me to a dessert shop on that day later he dropped me home" Jisung explains to them

"Wow seem like you got a new boyfriend, not a friend" Seungmin said.

"Hyung is he handsome?" Jeongin asked.

"Yaah I.Nahh, you are too young to have a boyfriend" Seungmin scolded him.

" I was just asking Hyung" he fights back.

"Yeah obviously" Seungmin replied flicking Jeongin's forehead.

"Ahhh hyung that's hurt" Jeongin screamed.

"Shut up little kid" Felix argues.
Jeongin ignored them and scrolled through his phone annoyed by his hyung.

"Okay okay, guys let's go to class" Jisung interfere.


While they were in class, jisung was sitting beside his friends. Minho was sitting behind them at the back in the corner near a window He was staring at Jisung whenever he get a chance and when Jisung caught him he pretend as if he didn't look at him.

They keep on sharing secret glances.
It was already lunchtime.
Jisung and his friends were already in the canteen eating and chatting.
Minho came later after them.
He looks around searching for Jisung and found them together as always.
He was fighting with his though if he should join them or not.
He sighed, 'Not Today' he muttered.
He sat alone on a bench where he could watch over Jisung eating, smiling, and laughing...did he finally start liking Jisung? Well, I don't know that yet.

To say that Jisung didn't notice him is a complete lie. He had caught Minho staring at him since he entered the classroom. It didn't go unnoticed by him.
Minho doesn't even know how he makes Jisung happy just by glancing at him.
Jisung was extremely happy. He thinks that Minho might finally like him back.
He was smiling the whole day.
He now even noticed Minho from his seat staring at him until.

"Minhoo oppa!" a girl calling his name.

Jisung heard that and both of them turned to look at that certain person.
She came and hug Minho....she still didn't let go.

"Ohh hi chaeryeong" he responded.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oppa I'm gonna study here with you"

"ohh okay that's great" Minho replied literally not looking at Jisung anymore.

And Jisung noticed that.
He muttered 'that bitch' and poked his food.

"Oyy Oyy calm down bro," Felix said knowing his friend get jealous.

"How the fuck I can calm down.. Who is that bitch?" I said furiously annoyed.

"Maybe his cousin" Seungmin tried to calm his friend.

"Why would a cousin be so clingy like that?" he said looking at the way she hugged minho's arms.

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