chapter 1 : Rivals and Friends

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The sound of a ticking clock overtook the silent room as I sat down at my table. Doing the work I was told to do like the obedient boy I am. My concentration was interrupted by a loud knock on the door causing me to flinch.

A young boy with dark skin and brown, short braids shyly walked into the classroom. All eyes turned towards him, including mine.

I turned my head and silently stared at him, just out of plain curiosity.

"May I help you?" Asked the teacher as she frowed her eyebrows at him.

He gulped nervously and walked up to the teacher, whispering something to her. I grew more and more intrigued as I studied his face. He seemed familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Simon" called the teacher, my heart jumped up, was I staring too much? Crap.

I quickly buried my head down in my books trying to make myself look busy knowing full well I was already caught staring, there was no use in hiding.

"Simon, is there anyone sitting beside you?" She continued as the both of them glared at me.

Well this is embarrassing...
"Oh- uh no" I mumbled sheepishly, I could feel my face turn slightly red.

Next thing I knew the boy was coming over to me, my heart started racing. Please don't sit next to me, please don't sit next to me, please don't sit next t- aannd he sat down next to me. This couldn't get more embarrassing for me.

I slowly turned my head and looked at him. Now that I could see him up close it finally clicked, it was Joshua. We met when we were really young, we used to be the bestest of friends, people always joked that we were glued to the hip, constantly spending time with each other. I remember specifically going to his house everyday, sometimes we would sneak into his parents wardrobe and play dress up. We would put on his mom's heels and gowns, pretend to be supermodels, at the time it was the funniest thing in the world.

I haven't seen him in years as he moved town, we were pretty young so we couldn't exactly keep contact. He's grown quite a lot since then, he looks so different I barely even recognised him.

He noticed me staring and looked over, i think he recognised me only then aswell as he looked at me with big bug eyes.

"Simon..Simon Cooper??" He exclaimed, his face lit up like a candle.

"Hey Josh.." I smiled nervously, not knowing what to expect from him. He could be a completely different person now? I mean he's got muscles for gods sake!

"Oh my god- what are you doing here!" He jumped up in his seat like a coil spring and leaned in towards me, revealing the freckles speckled across his face.

Suddenly it hit me, he doesn't know about my fathers passing, that's the only reason I moved here actually. Me and my sister moved here a couple of months ago to live with our grandparents. They've been very kind and supportive ever since we came here and for that I do and will always love them.

I took a deep breathe before answering so I wouldnt end up crying and embarrassing myself infront of Joshua.

"Um..I moved in with my grandparents after my dad- " I cleared my throat as I could feel tears building up in my eyes but I didn't need to continue, his face told me he understood everything.

The way he looked at me was indescribable, so many emotions showed in his eyes.

"Simon that's terrible..I'm so sorry- I'm glad to see you again though"

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