50. The Confession.

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There it goes. I finally said it. I've been thinking of telling her for a long time. This is the right moment to say it. When she admitted already that she fell for me and even formally asked me to be her girl.

After I said it she went stiff, just kept staring at me.

"Babe?... Babe... Babe..." She just stared at me and remain unresponsive.

"Babe?..." I shook her a little. "Speak to me... babe?"

She did not move. She just kept staring at me that it's starting to scare me. I then shook her more stronger and Shout at her. "Freen!?"

She then blinked fast and shook her head. Then she looked at me again and saw my tears.

"Oh shit. Sorry Baby. I was... I... You caught me off guard... I was overwhelmed."

"You don't have to say it back when you're not ready. No pressure. I... I'm sorry if I shocked you. I just wanna tell you how I feel." I then hugged her. "I'm already happy when you stood up for me and that we're now official. I'm already contented with that."

She hugged me tight. "Like what I said. I'm so lucky to have you."

She then let me go and kissed me. "Now, where were we before we were rudely interrupted by a homophobe? Oh right. We were talking about a certain naughty angel right?"

I laughed at her as she pull me to sit on her lap and brought my face close to her. "I want my naughty angel now."

I smiled before I kissed her. Our kiss turned passionate as her hand was creeping inside my dress.

Suddenly we got startled as we heard a loud scream.


We both looked at where it came from. It was from the housekeeper who's now sitting at the floor. When she realized it was us.

"Sorry. I got startled. I didn't know you're home. I thought it was a ghost. Sorry madam." She said it quickly then bowed and ran towards the kitchen.

We looked at each other then laughed.

"We were aready interrupted twice. I think we'd better go to my room now."

I smiled and nodded. I stood then pull her up. When we walked past the clock I noticed the time.

"Oh shoot. Babe, It's 2 am already."

"Yeah. So?"

I went closer to her and hold her by her waist.

"I need to go home. I have a delivery at 6am."

Her head fell on my shoulders. "That sucks."

I caress her hair. "Yeah. Sorry. The naughty angel will make it up to you."

She chuckled. "Okay. I'll remember that."

"I promise."

"Okay. I'll hail you an uber."

We stayed at the sofa kissing while waiting for the uber. When we heard a honk, I gave her one last long kiss before I stood.

She led me to the door and opened the door of the car for me.

"Message me once you're home, okay?"

"Okay. Bye babe." I kissed her again before I went in the car.

I didn't realize I was smiling the whole ride until I saw my reflection on the window.

I got home and sent a message to Babe right away. I then stripped and took a quick bath. After changing into my PJs, I went straight to bed.

This night was eventful. The kind that I wasn't expecting at all. I did a quick summary on my head on what happened tonight.

>It started with me feeling so nervous in attending the event.

>surprised when Freen casually blurted out that I'm her date in front of her dad and her guests.

>Good thing Freen's dad didn't saw me when he suddenly showed up at her house.

>got blown by the tension and of the heated exchange between Freen and her dad.

>deeply touched by Freen telling her dad she fell for me.

>utterly shocked by her Dad's threat.

>Freen asked me to be her girlfriend.

>Lastly, me finally telling her that I love her.

I know she's not sure if she already love me or not, which is fine by me. What's important is that she said she fell for me and that's she's mine now.

I suddenly sat quickly.

Wait. She's my girlfriend now. Freen Sarocha is now my girlfriend.

My Girlfriend.

Waaaaaah! I had goosebumps all over my body. My inside is like it's having a party. It felt uneasy but the good kind of uneasiness. I can't control it. I suddenly lay down and rolled myself all over the bed for a few minutes. I stopped and lay still while panting. Then I put my head on the pillow face first and screamed on the pillow. I can't help but smile from ear to ear.

Now that we're official, I can't describe how happy I am.

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