18. Too much...

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I kept pushing her away, not paying attention to her and avoiding her. But when it was she who pushed me away this time, I didn't know it'll hurt this much. The pain was different. It felt more devastating, nothing compared to what I have felt before. As if the pain trying to overpower my body.

It's a miracle I was able to reach home. But as soon as I got inside and locked the door, I fell to the floor and cried. Sobbed. Tears are flowing non stop.

Why? Why does it hurts like hell? We weren't in a relationship. We don't know much about each other. We haven't even stayed just the two of us for too long. But why am I like this.

I took my phone and called in our group chat. They all answered.


They must've heard it in my voice.

"Where are you?" Nam asked.


"Nam, we'll be there in 5." Tee said.

"No. Wait. I'm not home. I'll ask Heng to drive..."

"No! Don't... Don't... Don't tell him where you going." I struggled between sobs.

"Okay. Calm down. Tee fetch me in five. I'll send the address." Nam said.

"Becca, stay put okay. We're coming... Tee your sleepers!" Yuki said before she he dropped the call.

I appreciate how they scrambled just to get to me. In 15 minutes they arrived. I opened the door and I hugged Nam right away who was the first at the door.

They brought me to the kitchen and had me drink some water. They all look so worried.

"Are you hurt?" Tee said looking at my arms and then face while Yuki's on my legs.

I shook my head after drinking some water.

The three of them sigh with relief but still looking worried.

"Calm down first. Tell us when you're ready." Yuki said.

She and Nam side hugged me while Tee watched us.

I was able to calm down a bit though my eyes won't stop crying. I was now in a dilemma, thinking how am I gonna tell them. Should I even tell them? But I need to let it all out or I'll explode.

They were all shocked when I told them that I'm crying because of a girl, that I like her.

"You? Rebecca Armstrong. Fell for a girl?" Nam said in disbelief. "But you never had tendencies, unlike Yuki."

"I dated guys as well, in case you forgot." She said to Nam. "It just happens. When it does, you can't control it. You'll eventually give in."

"I can't give in, I fought so hard."

"Wait. How did it began? you and her." Tee asked.

Oh no. I thought of ways to not go on that route but it seems like I can't think of anything now. I told them about the first night I met her, where it all started.

Their jaws fell as soon as I finished telling them.

"Becca!" Nam and Yuki said at the same time. They looked at each other, then stood, jumped and squealed.

"Hey, calm yourselves. It's 1am already!" Tee loudly whispered.

The two stopped then went back to their seats. "Spill." Nam quickly said.

"That's the thing, I couldn't remember. That's how drunk I was."

"What! That's the saddest thing I've ever heard from a sex story." Nam said.

"This is not a sex story, Nam. Well what do you remember then?"

"Not a sex story but you wanted some details of it. Great Yuki."

Yuki smiled then put her attention back to me.

"Who initiated it first?" Yuki asked.

"Where did you do it?" Tee asked.

"Did she eat you or just finger?" Nam asked.

"Nam!" The three of us called her out.

"What!? That's part of sex, isn't it Yuki?" Nam said.

"Well... Yeah but you don't jump to that right away!"

I put my head on my hands.

"Now I'm regretting why I called you guys."

I didn't tell them anything about what I remember. That's between me and her, which I'm sure she doesn't remember and I don't have much to say anyways.

"So who is this girl?"

"Yeah, you haven't told us her name. It's always just a 'her'."

Should I? They'll be shocked for sure. Well, I already told them so might as well...

"It's Freen."

Their reactions were golden. All three faces were wide eyed and their mouths formed an O.


"Freen? As in Heng's friend. The co-partner of The Equinox?" Yuki said.

"The Freen Sarocha daughter of the known Business Tycoon, Ed Sarocha? He's my boss." Tee said.

"I don't know her father. But yes, she's Heng's friend."

"No wonder you don't want Heng to know. Wow. Becca, This is a lot in a day."

"You've been hiding a lot from us huh. You really are secretive."

"I don't mean to. I didn't even intend to continue whatever it is in the first place. A month have passed since what had happened between us and I thought that's it. That we'll never see each other. That's also why I don't want to go back there. Not until your Birthday." I said then pointing Nam.

"You disappeared that night. You just texted us you're going home." Yuki said.

"Yeah. You should have seen how she acted in the dance floor..."

"You know we have our own world when we're at the dance floor." Nam said.

"Exactly. You didn't saw how coy she is. How she tried to seduce me by her moves, her charms..."

"Don't tell me she won and you had done it again?!" Yuki said excitedly.

"Babe, calm down, you're too excited." Tee said patting her head.

"She did had me wrapped around her fingers. I don't know how but it's like I was bewitched by her. That's why I ran and she followed me to the loo. She even kissed me. That time, If no one knocked, I'm afraid there would've been a 2nd time."

"Were you disappointed?"

"No. When we stopped kissing, I was like, what am I doing? So I ran and took a taxi home."

I then told them what happened at our hiking and what she did when I drove her home.

Suddenly Yuki gasped. "Becca... you're so devastated by what she did... are you... Are you in love with her?"

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