49. Unexpected Guest.

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Once the car stopped at the front of my house. I hurriedly got out of the car pulling Becky. As soon as I closed the main door, I pulled Becky towards me but she pushed me and just stood there looking at the side. I followed her line of sight and was shocked to see Dad sitting on my sofa.

"Freen is that you?"

Becky suddenly dashed towards the nearest door along the hallway just in time before Dad stood and was turned to look at me.

"Yes, dad. Wha... Why are you here?"

Dad didn't say anything for a few seconds. He just stood in front of the sofa staring at me.

"We need to talk."

Those words send shivers to my spine making me nervous. I did expect for him to talk to me after what happened earlier but not this soon.

I went to join him at the living room and went straight to the bar. I poured two glasses of dad's favorite wine. I went to him and hand him his glass.

He looks like he's hesitating to get it but took it anyways. I then sat on the sofa opposite to where he's standing.

"I thought you said you want me to have just one glass." He said as he sat on the sofa near him.

Oh shit. I did say that. Come on Freen think straight.

"Right. Let me..." I was about to stand but he took a sip from it. I shrugged and took a sip from mine. I should've chose a stronger one to kick out the nerves. Him being here and saying that 'we need to talk' line is nerve wracking.

"I think you know why I'm here."

"No dad. Why don't you tell me." I did have an idea.

"Okay. I'd be straightforward then. Let me remind you of what I said before. I don't want that kind of abnormality in my family..."

My blood's starting to boil. I knew this will come but still hearing it from him... "Abnormality?" My hand clenched on the glass.

"Yes. It's abnormal to be in a relationship with the same gender."

"You make is sound like I'm a freak. What's abnormal is you saying stupid things about something you don't know, something you don't understand. Open your eyes dad, you're living in the new age now where people are free to love who they want to love."

"I don't care about what age I'm in. What's trending or not. What I care about is the reputation of my family..."

"No dad, you don't care about your family. You don't care about the family's reputation. You care only about your reputation."

"Nonsense. What you're doing is against nature. A man is made for a woman..."

"Fuck that. It's her whom I fell for and not any man. In fact it's the very first time I felt this strong for someone..."

He suddenly stood. "I don't wanna hear whatever you feel for that... That person. I want you to end things with her or..."

"Or what?" I put down the glass, stood and went near him. "Or what dad?"

"Now I get it why my siblings don't listen to you. Why they don't want to be under your shadow. Do you even see me as your daughter? Do you even care about what I feel? Sorry to disappoint, but you can't dictate me anymore."

"You'll regret you said that. But I'll give you time. End it or I'll end it for you." He was red in the face, clearly holding his anger back. He then put the glass on the table and walked towards the door. As he opened the door, he stopped.

"End it. I'm sure you don't want her to be involved, don't you?" He smirked then walked out of the door.

"Uggh!" I sat on the sofa and threw the nearest pillow.

Becky appeared and sat beside me and hugged me. "Babe..."

"How dare he to threaten me!" I said angrily. "I can see it now... I mean nothing to him."

"Shhh... Babe... You mean something to him, that's why he reacts that way. He wouldn't if he didn't care."

"Yeah, he does care, he cares about his reputation."

Becky put both her hands on my cheeks and made me look at her.

"You're right not to be dictated by him. But please remember he's still your dad. He just don't understand and we can't force him to. Let him be for now. Okay?"

I stare at her and I began to calm down. I then put a hand on her cheeks. "Did you hear everything we talked about?"

She nodded. "Good. Becky... Baby... I did fell for you. I can't help it. I've been guarding myself, my heart for years... but you broke my guard down. I don't wanna lose you... So please let's make it official. Would you be my girlfriend?"

Becky smiled, she's now teary eyed. "I thought I'm already am."

I laughed. "Well sort of... but not officially." I took hold both her hands and kiss it. "So what do you say? Would you be my girl?"

Tears now fell from her eyes. "I'd been waiting for this moment... Yes, I would like to be your girl."

I smiled widely, pull her to me and hugged her. "Today is the 14th. Our beginning."

I kissed her gently on the lips.

"Babe, thank you." She paused to sniff. "Thank you for standing up for what you feel for me. I will always be beside you. I'll support you all the way."

"All the way?"

She nodded.

"And I'll support you all the way too. None of us should let go of each other."

"Yes. We'll hold on to each other no matter how tough the road we'll take."

I smiled at her. "How lucky I am to have you."

"I'm the one who's lucky to have you." She said pinching my cheeks. She then became serious and suddenly won't look at me in the eye.

I put a hand on her chin and made her look at me. "What is it?"

Her eyes became teary again. "I... I'm just happy... cause I...I love you Freen."

My breath hitched, my heart started pumping fast, my tummy plunged and an electric shock spread around my body.

She. Loves. Me.


Author's Note:

It's funny how long I thought about what would their official couple date would be. Specially when there are different teams out there 🤭
Comment on which team are you? Team 6, 7 or 8?

BTW, instead of chosing from the teams, I ended up chosing my anniv date hehe. ✌️😜

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