2. Equinox.

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"Hello. Nam! I'm here where are you?"

"Hey Pretty! Finally! Turn around we're inside."

I turned and looked there she is with Eric, Irin and Noey. Oh great, I'm fifth wheeling again. I thought she already broke up with Eric. I can't believe she keeps telling me to not get back together and move on from my now ex boyfriend when her boyfriend are exactly the same. Funny thing is Eric and Nop are best friends.

I went inside the restaurant and joined them in their table.

"Hi guys."

"Becca!" Nam squealed as she hugged me. "After a thousand years you finally came out!"

"I did cause you keep bugging me."

"Hi Becca. You're looking great. But where's Nop." Eric casually asked. We all gave him a death glare. "What?"

"Oh you're looking for Nop, my EX Boyfriend who happened to be your Best Friend? I don't know he might be in someone's panties by now. I'm surprised you didn't join him. Isn't that your thing too?" I said confidently.

Eric became silent while the others were smiling. Irin leaned towards me and whispered. "Welcome back bestie."

I called the waiter and ask for the menu. We chatted while we eat. Eric became awkward after that and he chose to stay quiet the whole night. Nam wasn't even talking to him, her focus was on us. Halfway on our meal he said he'll go ahead and put some cash on the table and then went out of the restaurant.

As soon as he went out. We all bursted laughing.

"What the hell Nam? Why did you bring him here?"

"I didn't. I ended it already and he keeps texting, calling and now he just appeared at my door and followed me here."

"We weren't talking to him even Nam." Irin said.

I looked surprised. "Really? Wow Nam! You're a changed person! The old you would've followed him by now."

Suddenly the door bursted open and in came Eric walking towards us.

"That's it? You won't follow me?"

"Obviously." Nam said immediately. Eric's eyes bulge.

"You... You have someone new, is that it?" He sat beside Nam. "Does he give you gifts? Is he that good on bed? Does he eats you..."

"Ma'am is this man bothering you." A big guy which is the security of the restaurant came to our table.

"It's none of your business! I'm talking..." Eric wasn't able to finish cause he was lifted from his seat.

It was so funny to watch as a 6' guy lifted Eric from his seat with only one hand. Eric tried to free himself but immediately stopped when he turned and saw how big the guy is.

He was immediately brought out of the restaurant. It didn't stopped there, he went to the window in front of us and gestured for Nam to pick up his call. Nam ignored him and continue eating. He was so mad he was already red in the face. He then punched the window glass. All of us were shocked. Good thing the glass didn't break. The Security went to him but he ran away.

Nam then said. "Eat up, Let's hurry and get out of here. He might be back."

"He's starting to get scary. You need to be careful from now on."

"I will. Now let's not ruin our night because of him. Let's go somewhere else. I know a place." Name excitedly said.

We did ate in a hurry then left the restaurant in Noey's car. A few minutes later we arrived to where Nam instructed. I looked up at the modern black glossy building. The lone building in the middle of a huge lot. One thirds of the lot was converted into parking space.

We walked towards the building. I read it's name, Equinox.

When I got nearer that's when I realized the building's exterior is of glass. All three of us looked in awe.

"I know right. That's how I looked when I first saw this. My colleague brought me here few days ago. He's friends with the owner. Let's go."

There was a line on the side. We followed Nam who didn't go to the end of the line. Instead she went straight to the bouncer. She took a black card out of her purse and showed it to the bouncer who scanned it using a device he's holding. Once scanned, he nodded to the other bouncer who opened the stanchions and let us in. We heard the groan of those at the line as we went in. We entered a big door.

"Wow, Nam. We're impressed."

"Benefits of knowing the owner. Ha!" She said waving the card then putting it back in her purse. As soon as the door closed I could no longer hear the people outside.

Good thing I decided to wear a dress instead of shirt and jeans cause this place looks a bit classy. We went through a dimly lit black tunnel.

"What's this place Nam?"

"You'll see soon."

Then the door opened and I was stunned by what I'm seeing and hearing. The loud sound blasted my ear, the crazy changing lights, as well as the vastness of the place. It's a huge club.

There's a small center stage up front with a huge screen above it. There's two bars on each side of the stage and a huge dancing area where there's a lot of people dancing.

The building looks low from the outside but inside it looks like it's 5 storeys. The ground level which is where we're at, then another level down where the dance floor and bar are located. Then when you look up there are 3 levels. The ceiling looked like the universe that's full of stars and it's even glistening.

Nam was talking to what looked like an usherette who guide people to their rooms, I think. She went back to us and put a finger on my chin to close my mouth that I didn't realize was open.

"We have a reservation on the 2nd floor." She said. "They'll be giving us Xylobands that also indicates which room we are."

We were given that then we followed the usherette up the stairs. We then reached a spaceship like hallway. We were directed to the middle room. She pulled a card from her pocket and tap it on a pale blue square on the wall.

The door opened and I was surprised on how it looked. It doesn't even look like we're in a club. It's like we're in a modern hotel room. The room was white, there's two black sofas facing each other, a glass table, a 50 inch TV, paintings on the walls and there's even a toilet inside.

"Your room is the letter E. There'll be a tablet on the table for any order or to request anything you need. Enjoy your stay. Have a great night." She bowed and left the room.

"Wow Nam. This is..."

"Awesome I know. Wait til you see this..." She said from the tall glass window. We went over to her and was amazed as Nam click something and the glass window opened. We could now hear the sounds.

"Woah! This is crazy!" Irin said then started dancing. I laughed and joined them. A few minutes later Nam showed the menu on the tablet. They had a variety of drinks. We were looking through it when we heard a voice.

"Pick anything you want. Tonight it's on me."

We all turned and saw this tall, elegant, handsome looking man with a bright smile. He walked over to us.

"Guys this is Heng, Heng they're my best friends whom I talked to you about. Becca, Irin and Noey." She pointed us and we shook hands with him. "He's the owner I talked to you about."

"Part owner, to be exact. Nice to meet you all." He said, went beside Nam then put his hand on her waist.

We all looked at each other meanwhile Nam looked embarrassed.

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