4) "Just because you're my sister,"

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Lele had been speaking to Caleb all night and it got on my nerves. I've spoke several times but in reality I was talking to a non interested Lele, whom I can tell you is best buddies with Caleb.

They've been to the cinemas twice: Coffee four times in the past five days , this was after my terrible 'Carrie' incident.

Lele walked in while I was reading my gossip magazine.
"Can I borrow your nude stilettos?"

"Help your self , you have been for the past 5 days anyway" I responded.

She looked at me sharply and crossed her groomed eyebrows at me.

"You don't have to be so mean, must suck being alone, having no friends in Manhattan, they're all in California" Lele spoke.

"Just because your my sister , it doesn't mean I won't punch you"

My sister ran out of my bedroom in her white silk nightgown and floral night dress. She dressed so delicately to bed , so fashionable.

I just wore my over sized night shirt with a pugs illustration and the quote 'living the pug life' , A pair of leopard socks and my hair in a top knot. She'd creatively draw sketches of the yellow tulips outside our hotel while I wrote in my diary.

"Catwalk was horrible. Lele has a new 'friend'. Was sunny . Not for long." Not exactly the worlds best diary is it?

My mother walked into my room,

"Penny, Lele, we need to pack right now , I can't deal with this paparazzi anymore , I can't even go for my business meeting for my clothing line, I can't get out of the hotel!".

I mentally fist bumped myself, "no more catwalks?"

"Nope. You're free".

"We can't leave! I have friends here like Olivia and- and Caleb" Lele blushed.

" I do not care about you and your friends here , we need to go!" She answered, "Cancel your plans , we're off home"

Lele sighed , and slammed her bedroom door,
"Great, I'll go back to Loser Lele"

"Does that mean I can go back to school? I really need to see my Siberian husky and finish watching Gossip girl"I asked, with puppy eyes. "I also need to apologise to my friends". I muttered the part.

She nodded.
I arose from my silk sheets and put on my comfort clothes

We boarded our private jet and I , like my usual self got hungry on the flight so I opened a packet of Oreos and drank a bottle of strawberry lemonade throughout the journey.

"Shouldn't you be eating a chicken salad with a pumpkin, non fat, 5% milk latte?" She told , like my usual meals were somewhat posh.

"This is the only time I can actually eat comfort food without 9 camera men or women stalking me."

"Okay chill, time of the month?" Lele asked laughing loudly.

I looked at her frowning ,

"You know I might punch you" I got up and grabbed her wrists to stop her slapping me first.

"Don't mess with me , you know what I can do".

"And what's that?" She wondered.

I sat back down In my seat and read the celebrity gossip magazine. "You don't need to know".

Minutes later, she rung Caleb,
"Hey Caleb, you're probably wondering why I'm not at our hotel. Penalise, Mother and I are on a private jet off to California".

I could only just hear his response and my eyes couldn't roll back enough at what he had replied with.

"Lele you can't leave. Why are you leaving?"

"Mother can't deal with it" She laughed like it was unbelievable , "yeah like I can't stand being called loser Lele".

Mother frowned and gave her a stern stare.

***Hours later***

During the flight , I must have fallen asleep in the comfortable chairs . But I soon regretted that because when I woke up I felt extremely jet-lagged and I had a very painful headache.

As we departed from the jet, I rung the friends I needed to apologise to: Shay and Sasha.
Let me tell you a few things about Them.


• Training to occur as a model in Vogue or other magazines.

• Overly dramatic.

• Honey brown hair and Blue eyes.

• Shes has a creative but pretty style.

• She used to be a professional dancer.


• She's training to lead her own fashion brand.

• she has beautiful blonde hair with platinum highlights.

•She has Hazelnut brown eyes.

•I've known her for 9 years.

I was so glad that I was returning school, although I hated the mean teachers, unsolvable maths equations, and boring Literature lessons, I'd missed out on all the gossip.

As soon as I arrived home I ran over to my Siberian husky and stroked her on my knees.

I spread out on the red couch and snuggled up. I can watch Gossip girl, teen wolf, pretty little liars. Anything!

I walked upstairs and arranged my stationery into different pencil cases and after that watched about 4 hours of Netflix , no films just gossip girl. I ordered a pepperoni pizza and rested under my covers.

School tomorrow.

Gossip girl (just kidding)
The names Penny👍

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