9) Okay?

39 3 0

I woke up to the sound of rain tapping against our window. I'm not sure why, but that sound was calming .To me at least.

Every Time the weather is bad I feel so... Miserable. Then I realise I have caramel mochas in the cupboard and I have Netflix. I'll then watch a full season of whatever show with a packet of Oreos right by my side.

I arose from my bed and scrolled through Twitter while changing into my 'cosy' clothes.

• Uggs

• Messy buns

• Leggings

And obviously... My Starbucks.

I fell back down onto my bed , opened my bedside table draw, and grabbed "the fault in our stars".

Lele came walking in , at the moment where I was sobbing my eyes out, my blanket , was a cover to make sure others didn't see me cry.

"What are you crying for?"

I lifted up my book from in front of my Legs and showed her the cover.

"Oh" she spoke, "Want to go shopping this afternoon"

"No, I'm gonna read today , Luke's coming over too"

"You're always with Luke" Lele muttered, bitterly.

"Why do you have to act with such... Acrimony?" I asked , intelligently.

She made a confused face and held her hand near her head like the emoji on iPhones.

"Bitterness" I told.

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room , slamming her door.

*text message*

Can you come help me ? Meet me at the park.

My eyes widened. I rushed and got up quickly , whilst grabbing my bag and heading downstairs.

I ran past the kitchen,

"Penny , where you going?"

"I've got to go!" I shouted.

"I've just made pancakes" she unhappily moaned.

"I'll eat them later!"

I grabbed the doors handle and continued to walk. I sprinted down the road and entered the small gates of thorn-bush.

I ran over to Luke who was staring at the gravel path.

"What's ..." I stuttered as Luke turned round.

His face was bruised and cut. He had a forceful red mark across his face. His tears almost burned his face, it made the pain worse.

"Who did this? Was it those so called friends of yours?"

He nodded .

I grabbed his waist and sat him down over on a bench. Although he had been broken on the outside. His happiness stayed strong beside him.

"I'm fine , it's my face , not my body"

"Still..." I slowed.

"Wait here, have you eaten?"

"No not yet."

"Good, I'll be back don't worry"

I exited the park and...
There was a bright light then a touch of darkness.
It went pitch black. There was a strong force in my side.

Yet I wasn't awake long enough to realise what ... Had happened.

There I lied. In the middle of the road, my eyes flickering like a faulty lightbulb, my breathing was slow and restless.

Bruises, cuts, and bumps.

They were all on my waist. I lifted my head slightly , it was painful. I lifted up my auburn jumper and saw the marks.

A large cut across my stomach next to a huge red mark started bleeding, not heavily, more like when you get a paper cut.

But it... Was like I had been hit.

That's what I learned, I had been too careless.

My movements were small and became smaller over time. In a faint cloud of light.

"PENNY!" Luke screamed,

His face was the last image I saw.

I could hear . But not see, it was like I was blind.

"Anyone!" He yelled, it was fading - the voices.

He grabbed me and called 911.

"911? Penny , my girlfriend has just been run over! Near Thorn-bush park"

He ended the call and dragged me ever so carefully to the grass patch.

"Luke..." I stuttered , in a whisper that almost no-one would be able to hear.


"Dial mother on my phone".

My phone was in my hand so he just took it and called mother .

He was in shaky state.

Twenty-three minutes later...

The ambulance turned around the corner, I only knew this from my expertise hearing.

I heard approximately seven people chatting in a fast speed .

Ordering things like:

"Make sure a good amount of pressure is used on the bleeding..."

"Connect some oxygen to her ! She is running out of oxygen!"


It was like I was out of my body.

With all my leftover strength I grabbed Luke's hand and slowly breathed in... And out , trying to reduce the pain.


I woke up hours later, mother was holding my hand worriedly and Lele was reading "Looking for Alaska" by John green.

"Mother" I spoke.

The pain was faint now, and I felt more oxygenised.

She smiled and Lele just peeked from the top of her book at me.

"Luke , is recovering , while mentioning to you that he suffered severe facial damage, what he didn't tell you is that ... He had been stabbed in the lower abdomen"

If I was standing , I'd collapse.

"Is he.."

"Okay, if that's what you're asking, we haven't had any news yet."

I tried to get up aggressively but failed and I think I had pulled a muscle.

"Don't move so harshly!" My mum warned.

I sighed.
"Fault in our stars?"
"Yes I brought it" my mother spoke.

I grabbed the book off of her and read.

Dr. Katie Reads, ran into the room and asked for mom.

She came back in,
"Luke's stomach will not stop bleeding, we're going to try again to stop the bleeding but..."

"No, no NO!" I screamed then cried in pain.

"He can't! He was fine when he saw me when I got ran over!" I whispered harshly.

"But he passed out , he was low on oxygen not long after you were carried into the ambulance" Katie said.

I just lied in bed, turned to the right while tears dropped down my cheek. It can't happen! He was fine!

"He might be fine!" Mother encouraged to make me feel positive.

"You don't know that!" I spoke.


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