28) Am I really going crazy?

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Hazels POV

"I know, my secrets are pretty hidden. I just had to escape" Alison spoke , the heels on her boot clicking as she stood closer to me

"Why?" I simply asked.

"It was too much." She said as if she had answered all she needed to say. "The body they found wasn't mine.
Some girl named Hanna James. Complete replica of me."

I nodded my head, leading her on.

"My parents knew it wasn't me. They didn't pay for the funeral , Hanna's family did. We decided to keep the secrets to us. Not tell them to the James family."

"But now that's is done. Can't be changed and won't be. The only reason I came here was to say goodbye. I'm off on an 'all around the world' trip and I'm not coming back."

Instead of bombarding her with questions that didn't regard me in any possible way, I decided to step closer to her.

I wrapped my dainty arms around Ali's neck, resting on her shoulders and hugged tightly.
For her arms to eventually wrap around mine mine too.

Free tears rolled down my rosy cheeks,
"I'll miss you".

"Me too. More than the time I faked my own death" she joked.

One of the infinite reasons I liked Ali; she always made a joke In the darkest and lightest moments.

Penny POV:

I woke up at 12pm and lazily stropped downstairs to make a gingerbread latte. It was definitely a strange night.

Sitting on the stool, I turned my phone on and a messages from the unknown number were sent exactly two minutes after.
Penny eventful night
Did them videos give you a fright?
Little old Evan lying to you
I'm not surprised if he vanishes into the blue.
You know you love me.

I deleted the message. They're trying to scare me and it's working. Not because of my supposed weakness towards things similar to this is true. But because I prefer not to deal with the darker side.

"Me and Isaac are off shopping today , and you're coming with. You haven't got new clothes in three months."

"Fine" I replied carrying my cup upstairs and locking my door behind me.

I grabbed grey-knitted-sweater-dress , black leggings. Charcoal coloured Ugg boots and a green parka.

My bleached-blonde hair was styled into a low wavy ponytail.

Walking out of my bedroom, I grabbed Isaac and placed him into his buggy.
Today When you see something bizarre
Don't help or Yelp
Because if you don't show your light side,
You'll find out who you really are...
Why am I getting many of these recently?
1.) who is 'anonymous' ?

2.) what do they possibly want from me?


I currently lied under my black blanket, with a box of chocolates , watching Mean girls because why not?


My heart skipped a beat as I shot up from my place, frenetically grabbing the TV remote. I stepped off my bed and clenched a box-cutter knife between my freshly-manicured nails.

The dark blue-black colour chipped after three days. Typical. Okay... I'm getting a little off track right now, so back to the 'frightening' life or death situation.

Suddenly, the door swung open and an unsteady Lele came stumbling through my door.
"Is this not my room? Oh no. Sorry Pen—" she was cut off my running to the bathroom throwing up her guts. Not
Literally of course...

I grabbed Lele by the shoulders to pull her up and lean her against my wall.
"Lele what's up with you?"

Her eyes were goodly and she was almost drooling she was producing that much saliva.

"I was-I woke up in the forest about a mile away. My boots were really muddy and I felt really dizzy." —

"I stumbled trying to find my house for about three hours before I finally found it. My head is witnessing the most excruciating pain ever right now."

Patting her back, I grabbed her from the ground , slung her over my shoulder and walked over to her bed , dropping her with little force.

"Did you see the person" I asked without thinking about it first. 'Anonymous' first came to my mind.

She shook her head while I turned the shower on searched frenetically through her pyjama drawers. I dropped the clothes onto her bed and waited for her to speak.

"They were wearing a mask. I couldn't see their face but I did know it was female."

I nodded my head and went downstairs to go to Frankie's.

I knocked on her door , knock after knock, until she opened it revealing a sleepy-looking Fran.

"What do you want? I was trying to sleep."

I ignored her question and asked my own. "It's 3pm F."


Huffing, I stormed into her house and slipped my self slickly on the leather couch.

"I have a problem. Someone's stalking me and my sister. I don't know what to do."

"Well what do you mean by 'stalking' ever thought it might be someone who's just a crush but may not want to talk to you because they're shy?" Frankie almost shouted. I never thought lack of sleep could make Frankie yell.

"What crush sends you messages about what you are doing at a certain time of day and calls themselves 'anonymous'?"

"A clingy one?" She suggested.

I shoved my phone into her face when I pressed on my texts from that number.


"What?" I screamed.

"There's no messages here."

My mind mentally exploded at that point.

Snatching my phone back, I looked through all of my messages. Not a single text from that number.

Confusion and frustration flooded my mind like an emotional teenagers tears.

"You don't believe me do you?" I cried.

"I do, I do" she sat down hugging me as I sat on her couch.

"No you don't. I know when you're lying Frankie. Your eyes go all sharp, it like you're convincing yourself that you are telling the truth yet deep down you know that right now you think I'm going crazy, crazily psychotic."

I tore her hands that were currently wrapping themselves around my petite shoulders and ripped it so forcefully she fell off the couch, landing on her bottom.

Angrily, I stormed out of her place and ran to mine. Cars stopping in front of my figure as I sprinted into the wild.

After hours of pondering through empty streets. Deserted shops and silent forests, I went home , sloping down the lounge room blue walls. Chucking my heeled high tops onto the creme mat. Thoughts bubbling through my mind, yet after all the thousands of thoughts, the most common was,
'Am i really going crazy?'

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