5) "Why cant you show respect?"

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I woke up early today. 5:30. I couldn't fall back asleep, It was too difficult. What to do with my time? I thought.

Obviously, I couldn't do any thing major loud, everyone was still asleep.

I sat up from my bed, that had made a pit in the sheets and grabbed my iPhone ; although I knew it would blind me (not literally) when I turned it on.

"What time is it?" Lele asked.

"Five thirty," I replied.

She stretched in her bunk and stuck her head out of the bottom bunk, which the top bed was covering.

"Can't believe i'm going back, I just wanna be with my friends: Olivia and Caleb."

"you mean your 'boyfriend'?"

"Oh shut up Penelope!"

She turned over in her bed and ignored me after that.

Hours later...

I woke up to my mothers face five centimetres From mine.

"Mother of God!" I yelled.

"No mother of two lazy teenagers, up" she sternly said .I reached my arms Into the air and yawned.
"you scared me!"

She walked out of the room while I grabbed my uniform from my desk.

I tied my blue and red striped tie around my neck and combed my hair up into a braided bun, with a black bow fitted into the front.

I pulled up my falling skirt and placed my black bow heels onto my feet; my shoes were similar to the 1920s heels that they wore with their sassy dress while doing the Charleston dance.

It was a busy day today;I had to go to school, that consisted of seven hours of pure learning. Ew.

After school , I had to dye mine and Lele's hair , she wanted to have a chestnut brown hair colour .

I wanted to dye my hair blonde to make my hair bold , my brown colour was fading.

Lele was sat at her desk.
"I don't feel welcome here" she said to me, turning around.
I was going to say something. I couldn't , I'd sound too obnoxious If I said what my brain was thinking.

I arose From my seat and grabbed my phone, my sweet caramel coffee in my left hand.

"you seeing Shay? Sash  today?"

"Maybe, I don't think she's forgotten about last summer" I reminded

I resumed walking out of the door,
"Bye sweetheart" mother said, while eating her buttered bagel with a cup of English tea.

I put my pink headphones on and listened to 5sos while walking to school, then I saw Caleb.

"Lele's still at home . She'll be happy to see you. Hope it's worth it she won't shut up."

His smile dropped and he just squeezed past me on the pavement.


I walked into the gates of high school and everybody gave me snarky comments or mean looks.

I swept past their happy or disturbed faces and headed to the girls bathroom to think.

I opened the huge and heavy door and nearly fell Into the crystallised borders mirror but my hands stopped me.

Thank God they stopped on the counter.

"Well well well, look who's back" shay viciously told, she was beside two girls whom I had never seen before. Their hair was blonde but they both had blue or green eyes

"It's all changed so much. Sasha disappeared. Everyone looked up to you , you do understand that right. I felt so bad having to break the news that you weren't exactly an saint"
She said hands up against her heart.

I frowned,
"Wait what happened to S?"
I crossed my arms.

She came towards me and jabbed my shoulder.
"That's for me to know. And you to find out".
"No it's for you to tell and for me to know."

I walked out of the bathrooms and headed to English class after a weird encounter with Shay.

"As we all know the John green book you all know as 'the fault in our stars' was actually a quote from Shakespeare. Why'd he use this title? I don't know but what I and some others believe is that this was such a good title because it explained that In our eyes the problem in this book is a fault . "

"This fault is in our life, world, Galaxy if you wish to go that extreme." Mr Fitzgerald thought and plainly said.

That did make me think, what if in my eyes and others what happened last summer was just a fault we could all see , and we couldn't reverse or change it because it was meant to happen.

All things make sense in the end I thought but that was something not a lot of people believed.

"Some things were meant to happen " a girl whispered to her friend whilst slightly looking at me.

I just sighed and carried on writing my beliefs into my book.

"Would you like to share your thoughts, Pen?"

Reluctantly, I read my opinions out loud while my thirty two classmates store at me.

"There are many faults, whom you and others will or may notice, they can't be changed , they can't be solved like a problem because there's no problem there . Just a debate about it . That's why most people forgive. It's in our nature and it's just something that can be forgotten about, people learn from their mistakes eventually , without faults you wouldn't be living normally ,"I spoke in a nervous but proud way.

Many just giggled at me but a guy backed up into a corner applauded me and my spoken speech. I smiled showing my imperfect teeth and carried on writing down my thoughts while half of the class were just a chatting and talking selfies on their Phones.

I sighed and grabbed my reading book. It was about a girl who was just like a normal shy teenage girl yet she had been bitten by an Alpha. She soon began her own pack and fought with them until death. A twist to the story though... She was using her own wolf recruitments to suck all the power out of them; into her; so she'd live longer.

"Why can't you show respect? Ali, Danielle, Cassie? I think we've all done mistakes , and you Cassie could be labeled as the queen of them, but why hate on penny's small mistake that happened a summer ago?"He spoke, the boy in the corner.

"Do you want to say anything Penalise?" Danielle spoke harshly.

He mumbled something.
"What you say?"
"Say it" she replied holding her hand up like she was ready to slap someone.
"Like I have to explain myself to you. Who are you the Mumble police?"
She slapped his check so it was red raw.

"Watch what you're doing!" I shouted.
The teacher was shocked.
"Stop it your acting like children!"
"Maybe cause some of us are Fitz" Alisha told, she was the only one who hadn't spoke.
He sent them all out while I sat next to the boy.
To be continued........

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