Chapter 26: The Wrong Start

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Weeks later, Error's POV

I sigh, taking some deep breaths as I continue to write notes down. The special box sits beside me. I pause, glancing at it. My face burns as ideas run through my head. I glance away and check my phone, knowing that I set the date that I want to set the plan into motion. It's supposed to be the right date and I found it.....The day that we met..Still practicing the rest...I groan as neither my thoughts or the voices were helping me focus on planning it.

"EvErYtHiNg aLr1gHt, br0tHer?"Paps asks

"TrYiNg t0 pLaN n0w bUt cAn't tHiNk cL3aRlY..."I say

"H0w c0m3?"He asks

"I ke3p piCtuRiNg iT iNsTeAd 0f tAkiNg aCt1oN t0 d0 iT!"I say

"WeLl iT iS oKaY t0 fAntAsiZe aBouT s0m3tHiNg s0 spEciAl."He says

"BuT i aM tRy1nG t0 wRiTe wHaT i aM g0iNg t0 sAy aNd i cAn'T f0cuS! It iS 0nLy maKiNg m3 n3rVouS aBoUt d0iNg iT!"I say, shaking my head

"D0n'T w0rRy s0 mUcH. I aM sUr3 tHaT wHaTeV3r y0u sAy t0 h1m tHaT he wiLl loV3."He says

But the date is coming up and I don't want to fuck it up...

He pats me on the head.

"TaK3 a br3aK b3f0r3 y0u cRaSh. RelAx aBouT tHiS. iT iS suPp0s3d t0 b3 a mAgiCaL dAy, n0t a sTrEsSfUl 0n3. n0w i hAvE t0 sEt mY nEpHeWs uP oN dAt3s. i wiLl b3 bAcK s0oN."He says, leaving the antivoid

I sigh, continuing to write notes down the best I could. Then I feel something hit me roughly in the back of my head, causing me to crash. Then I wake up to find myself in a cage with Dream. It's large and golden, but the bars are too strong and wide to slip out from.

"So, wHo cAuGht yOu?"I ask

"Fate. Apparently they are close to Nim and upset that I've mad progress in living my own life and dare to find my own happiness. We're here to wait until Fate figure out what to do with us, and before you try, this blocks any of our communication or powers."He says

I notice that I don't have my scarf, shoes, and my things like the notes, phone or box.

I hope it's just at home where I was taken.

I frown, turning to see his injuries and attempting to heal him.

A portal opens beneath me and I frown, falling with Dream into OuterTale.

"Since you have been so rebellious in our multiverse, maybe you will be of better use in this one. Oh and don't bother trying to return home, we stripped you both of any ability to return home. So just forget it since it doesn't exist for you here. And you're lucky, Error, cuz until now you didn't exist here so it is a blank slate."I hear Fate say

Then the portal shuts. I try to open portals but it fails as well, just like Fate said it would.

"I'll go check the area."Dream says, wandering off.

Soon afterwards, I sense a darker presence as the reality sinks in and gaze at the stars. Then a tentacle grabs my wrist.

"Who are you and what are you doing here, freak?"I hear....I hear Nightmare say

I don't even glance over, slapping the tentacle off of me. I frown, feeling like my soul is breaking as this new reality is confirmed.

"LeAvE mE aL0n3."I say, shoving him with strings through a portal

Dream returns and smiles at me. His smile fades, seeming the look on my face.

"I cAn'T sUrvIv3 hEr3...ThIs cAn't bE hApPeNiNg..."I say, shaking my head

A Destructive Family-Sequel to Errormare StoryWhere stories live. Discover now