Chapter 36: New Routine

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Error's POV a two days later

Uuuugggh, of all things that I was away from, I did not miss THIS.

"Error! Quit destroying this AU you fool! You're ruining it without reason!"Ink snaps at me

"InK, iF I d0n't d3str0y iT tHeN tHe eNtir3 mUlTivErSe iS g0iNg t0 f0lD iN oN iTsElF. You'Ve cr3aTeD t0 iTs liMiT s0 I d0 haVe a fUcKiNg r3aSoN f0r tHis. UnliKe h0w I h3aR tHaT y0u taMpErEd wiTh uNd3rSwAP f0r tHe h3cK oF iT."I say, firing blasters to destroy more of the landscape

"How did you find out about that?"He gasps

"On3, you f0uGht mY br0tHeR wHo st0pPeD y0u aNd kiCk3d y0u oUt wHen y0u tHr3w a fIt. Tw0, BluE liVeS tHer3 aNd c0mpLaiNeD aBoUt tHe dAmAg3s y0u cAuSeD h1s h0m3. Thr3e, I h3aR fr0m h1s b0yfRiEnD v3nT aBoUt h0w p1sSeD hE iS aT y0u. Of c0uRsE I heArD aBoUt iT."I say

"Blue has a boyfriend?"He asks

I groan, shaking my head.

"YeS, h3 d0eS. Y0u hav3 a sh1tTy m3m0ry, InK. I h3aR y0u cRasHed oNe oF tHeiR dAtEs."I say, dodging one of his attacks

It seems to process in his mind what I mean. 

"Oh! You must've misheard! I walked in on Blue having a battle with Dust in an AU! They were arm wrestling! Dust isn't Blue's type!"He says

"StArS sAkE y0u gEt dUmBeR bY tHe s3c0nD. ThEy wErEn't aRm wReStLiNg, tHeY w3r3 h0lDiNg hAnDs wHeN y0u iNviTed y0urSeLf tO tHeiR diN3r dAtE. ThEy b0tH t0lD m3 f1rSt wHen tHeY mAd3 1t oFfic1aL."I say, making a swing of strings to get away from him.

I let him keep firing his attacks as I deleted the AUs code. I yawn, easily dodging his attacks by swinging back and forth. As a protector of AU creations, he isn't that creative.

"Well, that's very strange...I guess I have to talk to Blue about it. New question for you, Glitchy!"He says

"DoN't cALl m3 tHaT. GeT l0sT. We aR3 n0t f1gHt1nG aNd cHaTtiNg."I say

He stops fighting right then and there but doesn't leave. I roll my eyes, taking the chance to delete as much code as I can after analyzing it.

"Given that Blue and Dust can get together, how about we quit fighting and go out together?"He suggests

I pause, glancing at him.

Is he fucking serious?

"HeLl t0 tHe n0."I say

"What? Why nooot?"He whines with a pout

"OuTsIdE oF tHe fAcT tHaT I hAtE yOu aNd EvErYtHiNg yOu'Ve d0nE, I aM maRr1eD duMbAsS."I say, pointing to my rings.

"Since when?!"He asks

"NoNe oF yOuR bUsiNeSs."I say, deleting the rest of the AU and exiting through a portal.

He follows behind quickly.

"GeT lOsT."I say

He sinks away into a pool really. I sigh, shaking my head as I check on my antivoid.

"PaPs?"I call out but don't get an answer.

I see an arrow whizz past my head and then a grunt of pain. I glance behind me to see Ink with an arrow piercing his shoulder as he tries to get the jump on me. 

"Dream! Why did you shoot me?"Ink snaps

"To keep your hands off of my brother-in-law."Dream says, stepping through a portal.

"Wait...In-laws?! Why'd you marry his idiot of a brother?"Ink snaps

I tie him in my strings and toss him out.

A Destructive Family-Sequel to Errormare StoryWhere stories live. Discover now