A few months later, Error's POV
"NiGhTy, wE nEeD t0 tAlK."I say
He glances at me as I sit in bed beside him curiously. He sets his book aside, his tentacles reaching for me. Clingy and Rebel to be specific. But then Stern pulls them down.
"What about?"He asks
"YoU'v3 beEn sLeEpwAlKiNg a l0t laTeLy aNd i JuSt wAnT t0 maKe sUrE tHaT y0u aRe oKaY."I say
"Since when have I sleepwalked?"He asks
"FoR dAyS nOw. I hAvE wOkEn uP t0 fiNd yOu wAndErInG thRoUgH tHe hAlLs t0 chEcK eAcH r0oM. OtHeR tImEs i wAkE uP t0 y0u l0oMinG oVeR mY bEd iN eItHeR yOuR cuRrEnT fOrM oR y0uR pAsSiVe f0Rm. AnD wHeN yOu sLeEpwAlK, yOu AnD yOuR tEntAcLeS gEt...bOlDeR wItH hoW yOu tOuCh Me? YeA i gUeSs tHaT iS a WaY tO pUt It."I say
"Why haven't you woken me up when this happens?"He asks
"I hAvE rEaD tHaT iT iSn'T a GoOd idEa t0 wAkE uP sLe3pwAlKeRs."I say
He sets his hand on mine.
"Are you alright? I haven't gone too far have I?"He asks
My face burns as he leans closer, recalling one particular night of his sleepwalking.
"I aM oKaY. YoU nEvEr g0 t0o fAr, iT's jUsT aN oDd eXpErIeNcE. HaLf oF yOuR tEntAcLes aCt oUt bUt thE oThEr hAlF haNdLe tHeM. BeSiDeS, i tRusT yOu wItH WHaT yOu diD iN yOuR sLeEp. YoU'd mOsTlY cHeCk mY bOdY fOr iNjuRiEs aNd....fEeL mE d0wN wItH a gRiN. SoMeTiMeS i WOndErEd iF yOu WeRE aWaKe. OtHer nIgHtS yOu'd tAkE mY sOuL aNd...CaRe f0r iT..."I tell him
He pauses quietly, processing the information.
Then he summons my soul.
What is he doing...?
My face burns as he gently lifts it with both his hands closer to his eye for closer examination. He takes a finger, slipping it down my soul gently. That alone sends tingles down my body and shivers up my spine. I grip the blankets underneath me and lean against him as he continues the examination. He can see with my soul speeding up how this is affecting me.
"Have I ever made you crash, my precious Glitchy?"He asks
Oooh those names...
I shut my eyes, shaking my head and he chuckles.
"Good. Cuz if I ever dared to lay a finger on your treasured little soul the wrong way, I'd be pissed."He says
"I kNow...."I sigh
"Are you alright, dear?"He asks
I just stare at him, refusing to believe that he doesn't know what he is doing. It seems to sink in for him.
"Oh right! Your love language! Is it too much to handle, Glitchy?~"He coos close enough to my soul for me to feel him breathe on it.
My body shivers, yet it doesn't feel bad...It feels good...I shake my head. I wrap my arms around him, hugging his side.
"Good. I'd never wish to harm or overwhelm you."He says
"I sHoUlD hOpE tHaT yOu NeVeR dEsIrE tHaT wiTh yOuR hUsBaNd oF tHrEe yeArS."I say
"You know what I mean."He says
I nod.
"AnD iT iS reAlLy sWeEt."I say
He smirks, then leans just a bit closer to my soul, closing the distance.
He pauses to look at me before ambushing my soul with a dozen more kisses. I grip him tighter, squealing into his chest.
"NiGhTy! CuT iT oUt! Ah!"I yelp
He smiles widely at me.
"HoW mUcH sLeeP hAvE yOu gOtTeN? ThEy sAy tHaT mAy bE a cAuSe."I ask
"I've got plenty of sleep...I think.."
"ArE yOu sTrEsSeD aBoUt aNyThInG?"I ask
I notice the longing gaze he gives my soul in his hands.
Why is he giving that look to my soul? It's almost as if he desires something with it...Or from it...Wait...
I recall a discussion we had about what we'd like for our future. We both said that we'd like to try having kids around 3 years after marriage. He said 3.5, I said about 3.75 but still. We had a good idea of what we imagined for our future aside from the glimpses that we got.
Ooh, it's on his mind huh?
"NiGhTy, iS tHeRe s0meThInG yOu wAnT tO tAlK aBoUt wItH mE?"I ask
His face burns as he realizes that he is staring.
"Umm...I don't want to make you uncomfortable with it."He says
"So iT iS wHaT i tHiNk iT iS? YoU'Re tHiNkINg AbOuT oUr lAsT dIsCuSsIoN aBoUt tHe fUtUrE?"I ask
He nods.
"I was having thoughts about it...And doubts since I don't want to trigger your phobia."He says, his face burning
"It iS fInE, NiGhTy. YoU dOn'T hAvE tO wOrRy. We aLrEaDy tAlKeD tHrOuGh tHiS. AnD i tHiNk tHeRe aRe wAyS t0 wOrK aRoUnD mY pHobIa iF wE aRe cArEfUl. "I say, then notice nearby books.
It seems that he has been researching the topic a bit and I smile.
"YoU'r3 n0t thE 0nlY oNe tHaT hAs b3en l0oKinG iNt0 tHiS iN tHe liBrArY."I say
He looks at me in surprise. Then he smiles at me.
"So where do we start?"He asks
I kiss him on the cheek.
"We mAk3 a pLaN aNd eXpeRiMeNt t0 sEe wHaT w0rKs. sTaRt sMaLl aNd gO fr0m tHeRe. NoW lEt's g0 eAt."I say
He nods and I lead him away to the kitchen to eat.
This will be an interesting new part of the relationship...
A Destructive Family-Sequel to Errormare Story
Fiksi PenggemarHey! This is the sequel to the Errormare story:A Blind Deal of Destruction and continues the events from there so it would be better to read that to understand the events in this! By now we all know the tale. Nightmare, king of negativity and leade...