Chapter 21: Distract GoopMa!

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Horror's POV a few days later

"Okay, you know the plan. Dad gave us a task until he returns home and we must not fail him."I say

"Right. Keep Boss busy and distracted"Dust says

"I'll put this away first."Killer says, taking Error's crown to his room.

I recall what Error told us before he left and grin.

"AlR1gHt b0yS, i aM g0iNg oUt wiTh dr3aM aNd buFfEr t0 hAnDl3 a fEw tHiNgs. i wiLl b3 gon3 f0r th3 dAy. AnD kNoWinG nIgHtY, hE wiLl bE sEaRcHinG f0r mE bUt tHiS iS pRiVaTe mAtTeRs. KiLlEr, lEaVe mY cRoWn iN mY rOoM s0 h3 cAn't tRaCk mE. HoRrOr, c0oK wItH pApS aNd jUsT kEeP tHaT cLiNgY oCt0puS diStrAcTeD. ReAcH 0uT iF tHeR3 aRe aNy iSsUeS."He had told us before he left.

Soon, he was gone and we went into position. I start cooking with Uncle Paps while Cross and Dust played it cool and watched TV. Soon enough, Killer joins them. I smile, hearing footsteps.

"Has anyone seen Error?"Nightmare asks

Always so quick to catch onto his absence.

"No, Ma. Well..Yes but he's busy."I say

"Well where is Glitchy? He left his crown behind."He says

"Dunno. He just left. But could you help us?"I ask

"With what?"He asks

"We aRe trYiNg n3w rec1p3s oUt anD wAnT y0u t0 tRy tHeM!"Uncle Paps says, giving me the signal behind his back

"Pllleeeaaassseee?"We ask together with our best attempt at puppydog eyes

It got to him and he agrees. Luckily Uncle Paps and I had plenty of recipes brainstormed the day before so he was stuck trying them for a good few hours. Then Killer drags him into the other room to binge TV before he could ask questions.  I help clean the kitchen, watching the hours tick by. As does his patience.

"This has been fun but you haven't explained Error's absence. He hasn't left without telling anyone his plans before."He says

"Why do you think we're doing this? Dad wants you to spend time with us instead."Killer says

"No clingy Goopma for him until he returns."Dust says

"I am not clingy!"He snaps

"If you're not clingy then I am a billionaire."Killer chuckles

"He left to deal with some things. And you can't check our memories since he didn't share details with us."Cross says

"Sorry, but Dad gave his orders. He left with Dream and Buffer to run some private errands. And Buffer made an aura blocker so you can't hunt them down."I say

He glances to Uncle Paps for answers.

"I kNoW aS mUcH aS y0u. y0u kNoW hOw mY bRoThEr iS a pLanNeR."Uncle Paps says

He sighs, nodding.

We gather around him, continuing to binge TV shows.

Meanwhile, Error's POV

"WhErE aRe y0u b0tH tAkInG mE? I'v3 aLr3aDy g0tTeN wHaT i cAme f0r wiTh y0uR h3lp!"I say

"You really think that's it? We need to help you prepare! Now come on, I know a good shop nearby with style that could be custom tailored for you!"Dream says

"No, Error can do that himself. That said, let's take you to a store to get good fabrics for the clothes! And I know a good liquor store to get the good stuff for the occasion!"Buffer says

"Those two are NOT getting drunk on they're big day!"Dream snaps

"Oh calm down, Dream! They're certainly old enough for it!"Buffer says

"You don't know how my brother is when he's drunk!"Dream says

"Do you?"Buffer asks

"No, but he's clingy enough when sober!"Dream snaps

"Hmm....I'll have to test that then..Don't want Error in a bad spot with a drunk octopus.."Buffer says, looking deep in thought

"St0p tAlKinG aS iF i aM n0t h3r3! AnD d0n't g3t aHeAd oF y0uRs3lv3s! I haVen't eVeN sTaRtEd tHe pLaN y3t!"I say

"We know, Error. But we also know that once you complete your plan that you won't be able to get away to do this. So we're saving you time."Dream says, Buffer nodding

I sigh, simply following their lead and putting the box in my pocket, listening to their suggestions and breaking up their arguments. Soon enough we are leaving the stores and they have bags full of things that they say they will hide in their homes until my plan is done. Buffer leads me away to a liquor store, walking down the aisles of bottles with various alcoholic beverages. He examines numerous wine bottles and grins, buying a few in various aisles.

"Time for some experimentation."He chuckles

I shake my head.

Afterwards, they go home and I make a portal to the antivoid. I hide the box in my strings above and then make a portal to my room. I put my crown on and walk downstairs, petting Perl in the kitchen. I hear snores, looking in to see everyone gathered around Nighty as the TV continues playing a show marathon. He is the only one still awake.

"Where were you, Glitchy?"He asks

"JuSt rUnNinG SoM3 3rRaNDs. WaNtEd iT t0 b3 quiCkEr bUt tHeY hAd mOrE iN miNd. I seE y0u wErEn't t0o lOnElY wItH cUdDl3s."I say

He nods, slipping out from under them and within seconds is hugging me close instead.

"Are you going to share any details?"He asks

"No..."I say with a shake of my head

"Why not?"He whines

"BeCaUsE iT iS a sUrpRiSe. YoU'Ll kNoW WhEn tHe tiMe cOmES."I tell him

I smile at him happily and he smiles right back.

"Fine, but you owe me cuddles."He says


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