Before You Read

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This story has been up for many years and there are a few things i would like to clarify for any new readers before you start this story.

1. Sky is NOT underage. She is a young adult in her early 20's 

2. Billie and Sky are NOT RELATED! I'd admit it is funny reading some comments who think they are but they are not in any way blood related. Billie is long time friends with Sky's father hence the reason she calls him her "Uncle" and Adrienne her "Aunt". There are just endearing titles she calls them.

3. Yes Sky is slow to making connections about Billie liking her. She is obviously going to be oblivious that Billie of all people would fall in love with her.

4. No spoilers but there is a sequl to this if you want to continue what thier lives are like after this story

Thank you for all the support, feedback and honestly histarical comments. Never thought this would be loved by so many!

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