Playing in jealousy

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I stood frozen, I could move. I felt like my breath was taken out of my lungs. My eyes began to fill with water and was on the verge of realizing. It was him! Really him and I couldn't believe it! He stood there with his devilish smile and said,

"Don't you miss me?" with his arms open wide.

Then that had triggered me to jump up from my seat and engulf him into the biggest hug.

"Oh I missed you so much." I said threw sobs

"Awe, don't cry." He said still hugging me lovingly. We stayed like that for 5 minutes but what felt like forever. Once we broke apart I looked into his green orbs and continued to cry but calmed down a bit.

"How you are doing hun?" he asked

"Great since you're here now!" I yelled out with joy in my voice. He laughed. "Come on I have a friend I want you to meet!" I then dragged him by the wrist and took him to my apartment. I unlocked and swung open the door. Jack was dressed and still sitting on the couch watching tv. I hid Billie Joe behind me and made it look like it was just me.

"Hey your back!" said happy to see me.

"No you mean were back." He gave me a confused look. Billie Joe then moved from behind me revealing himself. Jack stood there lifeless, probably the same reaction I gave. He had opened his mouth but the words were taken out leading him to close back up.

"Hey man, it's nice to meet you." Billie said with a smile and reveling out his hand. Jack stood up and then replied with.

"h-hey. I'm really good, hah ha" with a nervous look jack then hesitantly shook Billie's hand.

"Sky has told me a lot about you."

"Oh did she now." Jack then gave me a slight evil glare. I shrugged my shoulders and gave a "what are yah gunna do" face. Changing the awkward moment I engaged into a better conversation.

"So Uncle Billie where is your stuff?"

"Oh it's in my hotel room of course." He said with a "what do yah think stupid" look

"Oh, you're staying in a hotel room I see...."

"Is there a problem with that?" he said with a smirk

"No, nothing's wrong with... uum that."

"I mean I did only get the room for a night and I don't really have anywhere else to go so......." He trailed off

"Hum, too bad for you I guess." I said in a mocking way, "so how long you staying?"

"Two weeks."

I jumped with excitement, "really two whole fucking weeks!!!!"

"Hey easy there. You're going to break something." He said threw laughter. I kept bouncing around and jumped on Billie wrapping my legs around his waist.

"This is so AWESOME!!!!" I shouted in excitement (obviously)

"Really? I couldn't tell." Jack said with his smart ass, sarcasm oozing out of his mouth. That comment had made Billie Joe laugh his ass off. Making jack feeling proud that he had made him laugh.

"Aright, alright get off of me." Uncle Billie then detached me from him body and gently placed me on my feet, "so what do you wanna do? Anything rad around here?"

"Well I can show you around my apartment and well head out. Sound good?"

"Yah sure." He smiled, "so you both live together or something?" Billie asked being a bit over protective. If it wasn't dad then there would always be Uncle Billie annoying me.

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