A little blush never hurt

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"So where are we heading first kiddo?"

"Hmm, oh I know! Let's grab a drink at my favorite coffee shop and we can walk around town into some of the stores."

"cool." Billie then grabbed my hand and we were off to our adventure. We made small talk along the way to the coffee shop. Once we arrived we both got a medium hot coffee and Billie being the charm he is paid for both of us.

"So what been going on in life? Anything new, interesting happening?" he asked

"Well collage has been treating me alright. Only two more years and it's done. For now I'm just working in a record shop nearby. Nothing really interesting his happening, just a boring life."

"Well what do you plan on doing when you're out of college?"

"Honestly I'm not sure. I'm studying in the arts and I'm just seeing what path life is here to offer. But for now nothing is present."

"Ahh. So do you get lonely around here?"

"Kind of. Jack is really my only friend but there are only so many times he can visit. I mean I do have friends at collage but they mostly live in campus. I was thinking about getting a pet of some sort but I don't have the money or time so..."

"Oh. Well it is summer. You have plenty of time to do something fun."

"Like I said Uncle Billie. I don't have the money." I giggled

"Well I don't mind helping out."

"What!? No, no you aren't going to spend a single dime on anything for me."

"Really? Because I did buy that coffee you're drinking there."

"Don't be a smart ass."

"Ha ha you know I'm just playing."

"Yah I know." We continued our walk and headed into a shop. Here were a few racks of clothing set up and a few other things set around the place. There was another girl that had been shopping and looked up to see us entering. She proceeded to continue her shopping but looked back up at us wide eyed. She must have been a fan of Billie's so I thought she was going to come up to him, which I wouldn't mind at all. But she just continued whit her own thing.

"I'll be right back." I told Billie. He nodded and looked around the men section. I headed toward the girl.

"hey." I said. She looked up at me and said.

"Oh, umm hi."

"Sorry I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?"

"Oh no. I'm just a bit shy, that's all."

"Oh well I saw you looking at that ugly old man over there." I tried to hold in my laughter but failed. "Do y-you know h-him." I said threw giggles and she laughed along.

"He's not ugly at all. Pretty charming don't you think?"I asked

"Yah. And no where near old or at least playing the part of it." She replied

"Right! He looks fucking 30 not 40!" I exclaimed.

She laughed along with me, "completely agree. But,Yah I do know Billie Joe."

"Well why you don't go say hi. He doesn't bite."

"Ha ha. I know but I'm just shy. I mean I know who you are but I feel more comfortable by you. You know."

"Oh you know me?"

"Yah aren't you Billie's niece, or like really good friend?"

"Yah something like that. But come on he'll love meeting you."

"alright." She smiled and I grabbed her by the wrist. I tapped Billie's shoulder and he blurred

"What loser?" he smiled and looked a bit embarrassed when he saw that a girl was next to me.

"What a way to greet someone."

"Oh, ha ha sorry I didn't see you."

"That's okay." The girl said shyly

"Billie this is... uh"

"Autumn" she added

"Right Autumn, a fan of yours."


After we finish meeting Autumn (we both switched numbers) and paid for whatever we bought we headed out to continue walking.

It was getting a bit chilly so I walked closer to Billie in hopes to get some warmth.

"Cold kiddo?" I nodded and he wrapped his strong muscular arm around me.

"How about we go back home?" he recommended. I agreed and we walked about to my apartment.

Once there I tossed my keys on the table and sat on the couch. Billie sat next to me and placed his hand on my knee.

"Im really glad I could be here."

"Me too." I said looking deeply into his green eyes that was surrounded by a light lining of black. I snuggled close to him and he wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. It made me blush, why? I don't know but I liked it.

*short, lame chapter, but I wanted to post something since its been awhile. also if you like twenty one pilots or are interested in Tyler Joseph fanfics I wrote on. I posted a chapter yesterday so go check it out*

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