Worries are washed, but not for long

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My eyes slowly opened from my deep sleep. I looked around and noticed that it was still dark out. I turned my head and saw Jack peacefully sleeping, shirtless. Crap! We didn't... I lifted up the covers and noticed that I was clothed in my bra and shorts I was originally wearing yesterday. Oh thank God.
I looked over to the clock and it was 4 in the morning. I wonder where Billie was.
You don't need to think about him, he clearly didn't care. But I still did. I picked up my phone and saw I had 20 unread messages, 45 missed calls, and 10 voice messages. I quietly slid out of the bed to listen to the messages. Jack shifted and half opened his eyes.

"where are you going? " he asked

"to the bathroom, don't worry." I softy kissed his head as he nuzzled back to sleep.

I made my way to the bathroom to read and listen to the messages. I scrolled and scrolled threw multiple apologies and signs of regret. I began to listen to some of the messages.

"sky listen, I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I left you that other message and you still must be in shock from it. "

Shit! I forgot to listen to that message when I got home to charge my phone again.

The voice mail continued, "I'm really sorry."

Tears spilled when they shouldn't. I went to listen to the first voice mail he sent.

"h-hey sky.... You're probably really mad at me and not willing to even hear my voice ever again... *sigh* I just wanted to tell you that..... I love you. Madly in love with you but I can't do this. I'm sorry. I don't know if I'll ever come back. I might just fly back home. I don't know yet. So goodbye I guess."

No... He couldn't

*knock, knock*

"sky are you okay?" I heard jacks voice on the other side of the door.

"yeah, I just got distracted by social media." I opened the door quickly wiping away my tears. I saw Jack tall and shirtless. His fit body with his tan skin tone made me forget about Billie. He had a look of concern.

"you sure your okay? "

"yeah. " I gave a small smile. I went on my tippy toes and kissed Jack.

The longer we kissed the more heated it got. He pushed me against the wall deepening the kiss. I broke apart for a breath, "lets go back to sleep cutie." I said.

As we both got back into bed Jack pushed me against his body with his strong arm wrapped around my waist. His icy blue eyes mending with mine.

"it might not be the right time, but what did happen between Billie and you? "

I was stuck on what to say, "um..."

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now