I'm sorry for these things

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"No Billie don't! It's not his fault!" I cried out

"Oh really? Then who's fault is it sky?!"

I looked down with tears slowly spilling, it was my fault, all my fault. But I was too much of a coward to admit my mistakes. All the mistakes I've made, I was too afraid to admit them.

He shook his head, "exactly my point."

He pulled on a shirt and slipped on his pants. Storming out of the room he went to put on his shoes while I followed him, crying more and more.

"Billie don't do this." I begged out

"Why, uh? He's taking away the most imp..... You know what forget it. Where is he right now?" he said in anger.

"I...I don't know." I stuttered

"Cut the crap, you know where he is, tell me!"

"I don't know okay! He said he was coming home today but he didn't give a it!" I said in defense.

He seemed to not want to hear another peep of my voice once he turned around and slammed the door shut. I fell on the floor crying, "no..." I reached out, "don't leave me again." I sobbed.

*3 hours later*

(Jack's POV)

I opened the door and found nothing insight except sky's lifeless body on the floor. I ran up to her quick and tried shaking her awake.

"Sky! Sky wake up!" I kept shaking her softly.

Her eyes slowly opened reveling her beautiful rich blue color. I sighted in relive. I picked her up bridal style and laid her on the bed which made her eyes fall shut once more. I kissed the top of her head with worry. I closed the door leaving it a crack open. I sat on the couch and rubbed my head trying to not worry about what might have happened. The door then swung open and entered was Billie. I got up to shake hands but looked like he got right to the point.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here." He said grinding his teeth.

"Whoa what the fuck is going on?"

"You should know! Why are you with sky?" he moved closer

I raised my hands in defense. "Listen I don't know what the fuck is going on. Am I not allowed to be with her?"

"You fucking bet you can't!" he raised his fist and I closed my eyes not knowing what the fucking was going on. But I felt no impact. I opened my eyes and saw that he surrender and sat on the couch almost crying. I sighed and sat down next to him.

"I love her man... for so fucking long." He said softly

I was taken back, Billie was in love with her? I didn't know how to respond.

"You know I just, she takes my breath away. Everything I see her I want to throw up at the love I have for her. She so special to me but that so fucking crazy to say because of our age difference and I have a wife and not to mention two fucking kids. I just I can't stop the feeling that I wish I could stop." He let everything out. Something that I could tell he held in for so long.

"Whoa man, that's... that's thought. I'm sorry about that. I don't really know what to say about that." I said

"Don't. This is my shit I have to figure out. And I left her for weeks leaving her worried. I don't know what the fuck in doing. And you're together and I can mad and I just, fuck I don't know." He muffled his face in his hands.

"I'm sure you guys will think of something. Come on, I can hook up my PlayStation if you want. I think I got a couple of beers in the fridge." I got up and smiled.

He looked up and gave a grin, "sure."

*2 hours later*

(Sky's POV)

I opened my eyes to the sound on faint gun shot and soft laughs. I rubbed my eyes and turned over to look at the clock. I got out of bed and opened the door a little to see what made the noise. I saw jack and Billie playing games, beers and snacks decorating the coffee table. I smiled to the thought that no one got there ass kicked. But at the same time I wanted to run away and cry because this was all my fault. The sun was still out, 5:30 pm (or 17:30 pm), and I could sneak into the music room so I can climb out the window and get out of here and think about all the shit I'm put myself and everyone through. 

I put on some clean clothes and tried to make my escape plan. I opened the door just enough for my body to squeeze through. I then ran on my tippy toes to the opposite room. The game and laughs where still continuing, good. I opened the window and got on top of the small roof. My apartment was only on the second floor so I'm sure I can make it down there. I looked down and saw another roof from the apparent room below. I took a deep breath and pulled myself down. I reached out my foot to see how close I was to the roof. Once I hit ground I let my body fall down onto the other roof. Then I easily climbed down that roof. (A/N not very realistic but I couldn't think of anything else). I then walked off trying to think of all the shit I've done.

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now