You're not...

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I came back home drenched in water. I was still bawling my eyes out, wiping away more and more tears. I changed into a pair of clean clothes and laid in bed. I couldn't even close my eyes to sleep. A Little lake kept streaming down my red puffy eyes.
I've been laying down for what felt like hours until I heard a knock at the door. I dashed out of my room faster than light. I swung open the door to... Jack. My expression dropped.

"wow not happy to see me?" Jack questioned

"no it's just me and Billie got into a huge fight and I don't know where he is."

"what happened?" he wrapped him arm around me

I couldn't tell him the relationship I have between Billie. So I went with the lame excuse.

"I don't want to talk about it." I made my way over the couch and took a deep breath.

Jack sat next to me and held me into his embrace, "I'm sorry, I'm glad I came here though."

"yeah why did you come over? "

He was tense, I saw his Adams apple move as he took a nervous gulp.

"ah, to.. Surprise you." he gave a small smile.

"oh" was all I said and all I could really say without being choked up again. I tried to not think about Billie but it was all that was running threw my head.

As soon as tears began to pour again Jack tilted my head in his direction. I look deeply into his gorgeous eyes. Our face inched closer and closer.

'what am I doing?' I asked myself. I didn't care what I was doing. I felt lost and vulnerable. His soft lips connected with mine and we never separated. He leaned me on the couch making him hover over me. I didn't know if this felt right but at the moment it did.

I broke the kiss, "we cant"

"why not? "

"I don't know, I just... It's all so soon. " I said sitting back up.

"you know sky the only reason I came here was to tell you that... That...." he wouldn't stop figiting with his hands, "I'm in love with you. "

My eyes widened, I mean I liked Jack too but I never would think that he was. In love with me.

"look I know it's crazy and out of the blue. But I have always thought you were the most beautiful and most breath taking women I have ever met."

Well if Billie didn't want to work this out. Why risk my chances with some one who loves me. Someone I know I can trust and care for. I leaned back down into the kiss trying to make our way into the bed room.

"you sure you want to do this? " he questioned


It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now