Tell me or I'll leave

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Billie looks hesitant to talk but spills the big question, "Where did you run off to?"

I froze and my heart felt like it stopped moving. Should I keep digging into the wound or should I lie to prevent it from getting worse.

He speaks up again "Sky where did you go that night?"

"I... I went downtown." I stuttered

"Okay and what did you do downtown? Were you up all night?"

"Umm... well I..." I kept darting my eyes away from him, "I went on the bus to go downtown and I just walked."

God where am I going with this story. I mean I am not lying but I am trying to avoid telling the truth.

"Right you went downtown but what exactly where you are doing. You couldn't possibly have just been walking around all night." He got closer to me, "Sky look at me. Just tell me what happened."

I could not look at him, "I went to a bar."

"did you get drunk?"

"I think so..." I looked up at him, "Yeah I think I was just a bit tipsy."

"Alright so why didn't you just come back home afterwards? Did someone hurt you?" he asked with concern.

God should I just tell him, I am milking this story too much. "Well I would of, but I was talking to someone." I went to sit on the couch

"Someone?" he followed and sat next to me

"Yeah just some random person, just making conversation."

"Sky is there something you're not telling me? Just tell me what happened already. Did they hurt you? Did you both get drunk? Where did you even sleep last night?"

"No, I'm telling you the truth I was just drinking and talking!" I said in defense

"I never said if you were lying, I said is there something you're not saying." He got suspicious, "what did you do!?" he got impatient

"Okay okay! I met this guy at the bar, and we had a few drinks and we both got drunk, so you know..."

"No Sky, I don't know." Billie was getting really annoyed now, "Did... did you..." he cleared his throat, "did you sleep with... h.him?"

"No NO! I didn't I promise I just..." I could not keep up with it anymore. My whole body started to shake, and tears started to spill down my cheeks.


"I'm so sorry Billie! I'm so fucking sorry!" I sobbed, "I don't know what I'm doing with myself anymore! I feel so hopeless and confused! I don't know what wrong with me!" I balled my eyes out into my hands.

As I cried Billie asked again, "You did sleep with another guy then." He said in defeat

I looked up again "No I promise I didn't, but we did..."

He did not even look at me, "kiss... but nothing more I swear." I pleaded

Billie stayed silent not saying a word and not even look at me.

"Billie I sw.." he cut me off

"I... I need to leave. I have to go in three days. Adrien called and told me that she booked a flight for me to go back home." He got up from the couch and heading to the room. I followed him to see that he was talking clothes from the drawer and gathering his stuff up to pack.

I could not stand the sight of him packing or even the thought of him leaving so I went to the music room and climbed through the window. It was windy out and the sun was already at its peak. I took my phone out of my pocket to see that the time was 1:30 pm. Then someone called.

"Damion" it read. I ignored the call. I hope he forgets about me; he does not need me in his life.

I could still hear Billie packing his stuff but there was an abrupt stop when his phone rang.

"hello?" I heard him say and walking into the living room. I could not hear anything else but muffled sounds, so I slipped back into the room the hear better.

"I know I know I miss you too." Was he talking to Adrien?

"Yeah I'm actually getting my stuff packed right now. I can't wait to get out of here." My body tensed.

"No, it's not that I just miss home you know. It was probably a mistake coming here anyway, I didn't realize how home sick I would have gotten." I was taken back but through the pain I understood why he would say that.

I sat on the floor with my back against the wall. He really does not want to see me anymore. He probably wants to forget everything about me and everything that happened in this apartment. Maybe I should move and get out of here too. Why stay here when it has been filled with so many heart aching memories?

(Tada! Are you sick of this story already? I would be if I had to wait a year for a new chapter and for that I apologize. I am currently starting the next chapter because I feel bad for making you wait and need to complete this story already. Not sure how its going to end but I hope it will tug at your heart strings. Anyway thank you for sticking this long and supporting my story. I read all the comments and you guys never fail to make me smile and laugh. Well, onto another chapter.)

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now