Whoa, easy there

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I woke up to the warmth of another body on mine. I turned over to see Billie's precious little face with a little smirk on his lips, still sound asleep. I turned back over to check the time, 7:30am. I don't remember anything else that happened last night, I must have fell asleep and Billie brought me here. I knew there was no way that I would be able to fall back asleep so I slowly got out of the bed trying not to make much noise.

I made my way to the music room to see that my guitar was placed back safely. I then headed to the kitchen to make myself some tea. As the water was heating up I went into the living room and turned on the tv to a low volume. The news was on and there was nothing else to really watch so I just left it on that for background noise. I went back to the kitchen and picked out the flavor tea I wanted to drink. I poured the now boiling water in a mug and dunked my teabag in the cup. I turned off the kitchen lights and placed the hot mug on the coffee table. I looked around to find my phone and I found it on top of the side table by the couch. Huh, I don't remember leaving it here, but anyways I sat down and enjoyed my drink while scrolling through my social media.

I then came across a picture of me sound asleep on Billie's lap out on the roof top. The caption said, "The greatest friend in the whole world." Smiling to myself I double tapped on the picture and continued to scroll down. Today is blowing up about how Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar, rip to all of those memes out there. (Sorry I love Leo and am so happy he won an Oscar I just had to mention this). 'Good for him' I thought.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard, "the word has been going around that 30 seconds to mars will be going on tour this summer. With Jared Leto working on the new movie 'suicide squad' and now this new tour, there is a lot for the fans to look forward to."

Holy crap! 30 seconds is going on tour?! I have to go! I looked up the oncoming tour dates and they're going to be playing in PA in two months. Jack and I love 30 seconds and he would be so happy if I bought us tickets. I checked how much tickets would cost and it was 150 per a ticket! No I don't have 300$ floating around with me, I'm a poor student. That sucks, I really wanted to buy thoughts tickets. Oh well you can't always get what you want.

My phone started to ring and speak of the devil, it was jack. I pressed of the green button,

"Hello?" I said

"Hey! Did you hear the news!?" he said loudly

"Yah, about the new tour!"

"Ugh, no I was talking about how social media is blowing up about you and Billie." my expression dropped

"What are you talking about?"

"Everyone is losing their shit saying you both are couple and stuff."

"Oh, of course. Classic internet always going batshit crazy when someone famous takes a picture of someone they never saw in their lives."

"Ha, tell me about it. So stupid for people to just assume these things so quickly, besides don't they know that you love me, jezz the nerve." I laughed at his stupid remark

"Ha ha, you're too much."

"That's why you love me. And what are you talking about new tour?"

"Oh, 30 seconds are going on a new tour. Their playing in PA in two months. I was going to buy us tickets but it would cost 300$ and we both know I'm broke."

"Well I can just buy my own ticket."

"Do you really have 150$ with you?"

"Yah, ugh never mind."

"That's what I thought." I giggled

"Well I have to go, I have work in a few minutes."

"Okay talk to you later, bye." We both hung up the phone and I jumped from the sight of Billie standing by the door way.

"Shit! You scared me!" I yelled

He filled the air with laughter, "ha ha! I'm sorry. So I heard that you're in a bit of a money issue."

"No, no! You are not going to give me money, no way!"

"Oh come on! I want to get you both those tickets, I could basically get you in for free."

"You know the band?"

"Yah, we used to hang out all the time."

"Really that's so cool, but you do so much for me."

"Who cares, I want to take you guys, and it could be fun."

"Alright, alright I'm in."

Billie came to sit next to me on the couch, "I knew you would give in."

"Well I would do anything to see Jared blue eyes, Shannon's tone arms and Tomo's flowy hair."

"You're such a fucking loser." He smiled

"I know I am, anyways what are we going to do today?" I asked because frankly I'm tired of being stuck in this house.

"Umm, I don't know. What's interesting around here?"

"Nothing that's the problem." I sighed

"Well what about that girl autumn. You can call her up, get to know her more."

"Oh yah, good idea!" I scrolled through my contacts and pressed on the name title autumn. Three rings and then it went to voice mail.

"Ugh she didn't pick up!"

"Well you know I don't mind spending all day with you." His body got closer

"Yah, yah. But I don't like being here all the time!"

His body got really close that I could feel his breath running down my neck. He whispered, "Then I'll make it exciting."

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now