Police station

654 17 4

Jack POV

Billie and I were walking all around the town trying to find Sky. We check all the common places she would possible be in.

"Where the hell could she possibly be!?" Billie exclaims

"I have no clue, I'm getting more and more worried. She won't pick up her phone." I said

We kept walking until we pass by a police station. There were two cops outside talking to each other having a cigarette break. One of the cops looks at Billie with a confused face then begins to approach both of us.

"excuse me gentlemen what's going on here?" the officer asked

"oh, nothing officer, just an early morning walk." Billie answers

The cop looks at his face more intensely. What does he want? Do we look like criminals or something?

"sir do you happen to go by the name of Billie Joe Armstrong?" he asked

Oh god don't tell me he's a fan! We have someone to look for!

"oh ugh, yes I am." Billie answered

"sir, I'm going to need you to come with us please." The officer demanded

"wait what's going on? I didn't do anything." Billie exclaimed

"sir you have been reported missing for the past 2 weeks. You're coming inside to answer some questions." The cop leads him to the entrance of the building.

"Jack I will call you when I find out what's going on. Keep looking for her okay?"

I nodded and tried not to panic. I went to go look at one place we haven't gone to yet.

Sky's POV

Where could they possibly be!? They could be looking anywhere in the world!

Okay I might be a little over dramatic, but you get my point. I went back out of the apartment building and the sun began to start rising getting ready for the day. There weren't many people outside considering it was almost 6 in the morning. I walked over to the park because it seems to be a good place to start. Also, it might calm me down a bit. The colorful leaves seemed to fall more and more as the days go on. There were a few joggers and an adorable elderly couple taking a walk together. In the corner of my eye I saw snow white hair. I turned and saw Jack from across the bridge that went over the river that was in the center of the park dividing it in half.

"Jack! Jack!" I yelled running across the bridge towards him.

He turned around with a smile begging to form on his face and arms open waiting for my embrace.

"holy crap I can't believe I found you!" I yelled with joy

"Sky! I was worried sick about you! Where did you go off to?" he broke the hug

"I can't really say right now. I did something stupid and I should have never done it." I said looking down at my feet.

"Hey, you can tell m..."

I cut him off, "where is Billie? Did you guys both separate?"

"oh, about that. So, ugh, Billie and I were walking all over town looking for you and we were heading towards the police station. There were two cops outside until one of them stopped both of us and ask who Billie was. Billie said who he was, and the cop said they had to bring him in for questioning since he apparently was reported missing! Since when was he reported missing? It would have been all over the news and twitter and Instagram and... I don't know what was going to happen. He said he would call when he found out what was going on."

Oh god! How could I have forgotten the fact that Billie had a case of being missing. After all I was one of those people who reported it and I didn't even think to turn him in, so the case would be closed. I'm such an idiot. Instead I created some relationship with Jack and then got them to get in that stupid fight, then I ran off and hanged out with ANOTHER GUY! What the fuck is wrong with me? My mind is so fucked up I don't even know what's in front of me!

"hey Sky is you okay?" Jack asked with concern.

I snapped out of my thoughts, "oh yeah... I think we should stop by the station and see if we can figure out what's going on."

"yeah I guess we can do that."

So, with that Jack and I started walking towards the police station. I was so tired. My body was still aching from whatever the hell happened last night. I still felt like I was buzzed with alcohol even though I don't even remember drinking that much. I scared the shit out of Jack and Billie and I'm hurting everyone behind their backs. Should I be honest and tell them? It's not a good time. But really, when is it ever a good time? I suppose Jack and Billie are on good terms but they both won't be on good terms with me soon.

Once we arrived at the station we entered the building and approached a lady that was at the front desk.

"excuse me could you help us out with something?" Jack asked the lady

"what's going on? Are you here to report something?"

"kind of. We were wondering if there is a person by the name of Billie Joe Armstrong? An officer took him in here and we don't know why."

The lady sighed, "I'm sorry sir but we can't give out any of that kind of information."

"well could you at least tell us if he is here?" Jack pleaded

"sir, I'm sorry for the last time but I can't give out any of that information. You can try and give this person a call but that's all I can do for you. Now unless there is anything less you have to discuss you can leave now." She said with a nasty tone and went back to looking at her computer screen under florescent lights.

Jack and I exited the building wondering what we could possibly do.

"well I suppose we should go to my apartment and see what we can come up with." I suggested

"I guess so."

"oh wait. I don't have the keys to the apartment!" I completely forgot

"That's okay. I have them here with me." Jack said while pulling out the small silver key out of his pocket.

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now