I'm a bit confused

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Later on that day Jack and I decided to go to the park and chill, then head back to my house. I twist the key to open the door to revel my home sweet home.

"Make yourself comfortable." I said as I threw my keys back on the tiny table. Jack jumped on the couch laying down. He had his arms open meaning he wanted me to join him. I smiled and gladly went beside him. I was laying down, looking into his beautiful stunning orbs that he was blessed with. We didn't say anything for a while, but we didn't need to. We just smiled and embracing each other in a warm hug.

I don't know if it was just me or something but I started to notice Jack leading in a bit but then.... "RING! RING!"

Which made us both jump up a little. I got up quickly and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked not checking the caller id in the first place

"Hey kiddo." Then I knew exactly who it was.

"HEY! What's up Billie Joe?"

Once Jack heard that name he instantly got up and went next to me to hear the conversation better.

"Nothing much I just wanted to talk to my favorite person!"

"Oh cut the crap, really what did you call for?" I said while I and Jack giggled.

"Alright, you got me." He said jokingly "I wanted to know if you're doing anything huge this summer."

"Umm let me think... broke, college student, far away from my parents, and anti-social. Oh yah I have a very busy schedule!" I said sarcastically

"Ha ha very funny smarty. Alright well I'll talk to you later bye." Billie Joe had hung up and I did the same a bit slowly.

"What the hell could that be all about?" I thought

"Beats me." Jack said while he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm pretty tired so I'm going to crash for the night."

"Alright you can just sleep in my bed." My bed was a queen so there was plenty of space for the both of us, I don't like anyone sleeping on the couch. Jack just nodded and headed to my room.

I headed back to the couch and sat down to think a bit. I really wished that I can see Billie Joe again, it's been to freaking long. I looked out of the window to find a beautiful full moon. I love full moons, I don't know why ever since I was a little kid I just always some sort of a connection with them it. My mom thinks I'm crazy but I just push that off. It was getting pretty late and I was getting tired myself. I dragged my way to my room only to find Jack sleeping peacefully in his boxers. I crawled in bed and cuddled close to him. A faint smile then appeared on his lips.

/ Billie Joes's pov /

I hope I'm nothing giving out any clues about what I'm doing. I can't wait to see her again. God I miss that girl so dam much. Sadly Adrienne and the kids can't come with but at least she will get to see me. I mean I'm the most important right? Ha I'm just kidding, no but seriously.

Anyways I'm leaving in three days and I can't wait. I started packing my stuff and every time I do so I'm filled with joy, but I'm also really going to miss my lovely wife and kids.

Sky has also told me a lot about this Jack kid. I remembering talking to him while back. He seems like a pretty rad kid and I can't wait to meet him in person too. But I'm sure he'll be more excited to see me. Sky told me he's a huge fan of the band which is really nice to hear.

/ Sky's pov /

I woke up to the sight of Jacks face looking at me.

"Good morning beautiful." He said in a raspy morning voice

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now