Us? I don't think so.

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We head back to the apartment frantically trying to find a way to get Billie back.

"This is insane! This entire situation is just insane!" I exclaim, flailing my arms up in the arm.

"Alright, relax. We won't be able to solve anything if your pacing around yelling."

"Jack what are we going to do? Billie has been on this missing report case and what, suddenly he's found walking the streets. Did they even bother to question you?"

"No, now that you say it, they didn't even bat an eye to who I was..." Jack was deep in thought now.

"What could they possibly be saying to him? Do they think he was kidnapped or something? Oh my god they probably think it was me, I'm going to jail!"

"Okay your back to frantically pacing and yelling."

"Your right." I just need to take a deep breath. I'm way over thinking this situation. But before I could think rationally my phone rings.

Caller ID: Adrienne

I answered.

"Hello?" I said casually

"Sky! Thank god you picked up; I have amazing news!" she exclaims

"Really? What?" I already knew what she was going to say.

"The police found Billie! Isn't that amazing!? I was so worried about him and it's just been a stressful couple of weeks."

"Wow that's amazing! Where was he?" Yeah okay keep the conversation going as if I don't know a single thing about what really happened, ugh you liar.

"Shocking enough they found him around the area you live so he couldn't have gone far. The police told me he was staying at a recording studio that the guys used to go to." (guys meaning the band)

"Wow, I'm just so happy that he's okay. Did you get to talk to him?"

"I did, as soon as the police called me, I got to talk."

"Did Billie mention why he was gone?" I needed to know what information got thrown around. I'm so deep into this lie I'm beginning to get lost in it quick.

"He told me that he was going through some stressful times and that he needed some time away. I got so mad because I told him that doesn't mean you need to cut everyone off, especially your wife. But I can't stay mad too long because of how much worry that idiot put me through." She explained.


That fucking word stabbed me a bit when it shouldn't. What was I doing with my life? How in the hell did I get caught up into so much shit that there is no way of getting out of at this point? I was supposed to have this amazing summer, and this just took a toll for the absolute worse. Is the universe telling me something?

"Hello? Are you still there?" she questioned

"Oh, yeah I am, sorry."

"I thought I got caught off there for a second. Well, any way I also wanted to let you know that since the incident Billie must come back home for obvious and legal reasons. So, I booked a flight that leaves in three days."

What? Billie must leave. So soon?

It's defiantly for the best. I mean look at what happened when he showed up. But I can't put all the blame on him. Billie should go home back to his wife and family. Away from my toxic waste of a life I created. But something made me want him to stay.

"Oh yeah of course I understand him having to go back home. I guess just send me the info about his flight and I will take him to the airport and say our good-byes." I said trying not to sound too sad.

"Yeah no problem. Okay talk to you soon. Bye."

We both hung up.

"Who was that?" Jack asked.

"It was Billie's Wife."

"Oh, well while you were talking, I got a call from Billie and told me that he needed to be pick up from the police station."

"Okay let's call an uber then." And so, we did.


The car ride there was filled with tension and so was the car ride back. When we got there Billie didn't even look at me, not even a glare.

Why was he so upset with me?

When we got back to my place Jack said he needed to go back home and continue unpacking his stuff. I gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye which didn't sit well with Billie at all.

Now it's just the two of us and if things seemed awkward before they are now. I just had to break the tension somehow.

"why aren't you talking to me?" I questioned

No answer, just scrolling through his phone

"Can you even look at me?" I asked again

"No." he said bluntly

"No? why not? What did I do for you to act this way?"

He shot his head up from his phone to finally look me in the eye.

"because you left without saying a word. Because you were gone all night and never told me where you went. Because you lied." He said through his teeth trying to keep a calm face but failing.

"lied? What did I lie to you about? If anything, you're the liar here!" I got angry

"Me the liar!?" He yelled, appalled, "Are you even hearing what you're saying right now!?"

"You're angry that I felt without saying a word for one night? Where were you going you went missing for DAYS!? Answer me that!"

"You hurt me! That's why I left! You hurt not only once but twice!" he said with watery eyes

"I only hurt you once I'll admit but, not twice." I said

"and why do you think so?"

"when I told you I couldn't do this, I couldn't do us... that wasn't me trying to hurt you. You and I both knew that US was never going to happen."

"But US could have happened." He said defeated

"No, it couldn't."

The fire from the argument seemed to die down at this point and everything went back to awkward silence.

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now