Pain, Rain, Gain

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I woke up to the sound of a beeping monitor. Bright lights flooded into my sight and I tried to regain the memories that were lost. I slowly opened my eyes again to see that I was in a small medical room. I panic for a quick second trying to remember what had happened. I buzzed the red button above my bed for assistance. A few minutes later a nurse walked in with a warming smile.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" she asked

"Okay I guess. Um, how did I get here?"

"Oh well you unfortunate passed out in public. A group of people called the emergency room and here you are. We didn't find anything wrong so you should be free to go. Do you happen to remember why you fainted?"

"Um, no not really."

"Alright, it might have been due to dehydration or something minor. Also do you suffer from anxiety?"

"Yes, I do."

"Okay, thank you very much, you can sign yourself out at the front desk. You won't be charged so don't expect to receive a bill." She said while writing something down on her clip board

"Okay, thank you."

I slid out of bed and walked out of the room. I went to the front desk and signed myself out. Why couldn't I remember what happened.

"Okay sweetie your all set, do you have someone to pick you up?" the lady at the front desk asked

"Um, yes I do. I'll be able to call them." I lied

"Okay well have a good day." She smiled as I walked away

I didn't have anyone to pick me up and I didn't want to bother anyone either. I should just walk home I don't think I live that far from the hospital.

As I was walking I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I received a text from autumn.

"Hey are you okay. You seemed worried yesterday?"

I was worried yesterday, why was I worried

"Why was I worried?" I hit send

"Well I don't know you tell me. You had a phone call and when you looked at the caller id you freaked and ran off."

Oh, I remember now. It's a shame that I remembered what happened. Billie was missing, gone and I was so worried I passed out. I thought about calling Adrien and texting autumn but I didn't care about wasting my time on that. I wanted to help and find Billie because in the reason why he's gone.

I looked up the nearest police station in hopes that they can do something.

"Hello mam, how may I help you today?" an officer asked

"Hello officer, I'm here to report a missing person."

"Okay and who is the name of this person?"

"Billie Joe, Billie Joe Armstrong..."

"Ah yes, Billie Joe from that band. Everyone is on that case. Don't worry mam. He'll show up."

"No but really..." I was cut off

"mam please where already on that case. Know with all due respect I'll ask you to leave now unless there is another issue you would like to address."

"No that's it, thank you."

I held my head down and waked out of the building. I wanted to cry. No one was going to try to find him. I felt so hopeless, there was nowhere I thought he would be

*three days later, midnight*

I wrapped my arms around my body trying to keep myself warm. I was walking outside in the pouring rain trying not to think about the voices in my head. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have been so selfish towards our friendship. I mess up everything sand I never manage to fix it.

I cried and I cried for hours. Cars passing by over and over as my mind kept spinning. At this point I felt so numb. It was over, there was nothing I can do and Billie probably doesn't want to see me ever again.

"You really shouldn't be out here. You'll get sick." I heard a voice from behind

I froze, no it not true, it can't be him. I spun around and he was there in the flesh. Was this a dream?

a/n a lot of errors in this chapter so just ignore.

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now