I missed you, but it's not what it looks like

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turned around in such disbelieve. I stared at him, not even a single muscle moved. My head shot a blank. He began to walk closer to my figure while I was still standing there in shock.

Soon we were face to face, he pulled a piece of my soaked hair behind my ear, "I missed you. " he softly said.

At that point I bursted into tears, not being able to hold it in any longer, "I'm so sorry for all the things I did! I didn't mean for all of this to happen!" I sobbed.

He pulled me into his embrace giving me a comforting hug. I cried on his shoulder nuzzling closer to his body. He gently rubbed my back calming me down.

"it's not your fault. I shouldn't have left you like that."

I kept crying, but calming down a bit. I broke from the hug and continued to look into his green eyes. I pushed back some hair out of my face, then billies face dropped. He softy grabbed my wrist and asked.

"what's this?"

I looked down and saw that I still had my hospital band on. He slowly read the label from the bright green bracelet.

"John may's hospital? " *fake name btw*

I stood there not knowing really what to say. He looked up at me with glistening eyes.

"um, so I..I don't know what happened." I said

"what do you mean? Clearly you ended up there some how!"

"listen I don't know alright! I panicked about something and I ended up in the hospital!"

"that's bullshit, I beat you were in there because of me. " he frowned

"you weren't." I lied

I rubbed his shoulder trying to comfort him. The rain was still pouring and it got worse the more we spent outside. Thunder struck which made me slightly jump.

"come back home with me!" I said out of nowhere, "I miss you and I want you to be with me again.." I didn't know what gave me the balls to spill that out but I did. He nodded his head yes and I grabbed his hand. We ran as fast as we could back to my apartment. As soon as we got there Billie began to give me small kisses on the cheek one after the other. I giggled and tried to tell him that we should change out if our wet clothes.

We went into my room and I threw a clean pair of night pants to Billie. He did leave some of his stuff here. As I began to dig threw clothes for some pajamas Billie wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, "I don't think we'll be needing the clothes."

I turned around and said, " wait what do you mean by... Ohh" I cut off my own sentence before realizing what he meant. I gave a shy look and he leaned closer to me. And I'm sure you could guess what happened after that.

I woke up covered in the warm blankets with billies arms. I turned over and saw his peaceful face in his deep sleep. I heard my phone go off behind me. I quickly picked it up from my night stand and answered the call before it could wake Billie up.

"hello? " I whispered

"hey cutie, it's me again" I heard through the other end

"wait, Who is this? "

I heard a giggle, "it's Jack you silly, are you sleepy or something. It's already 2 in the afternoon."

Shit! How could I forget my status with Jack! How can I be such a hot mess, I'm never like this, "oh right. " I said with hesitation

"alright then, I'm going to be home tomorrow okay? "

Of course you are, "okay, see you then. "

"bye my love. " he said

"ugh, bye.!" I quickly said before hanging up. I'm such an asshole!

"who was that? " I jumped from the voice.

I turned around, "no.... One"

"just tell me the truth! " Billie begged

"it was Jack okay! "

"so Jack is telling you that he loves you now?! "

"Billie listen... "

He cut me off, "I am listening, the problem is that I am listening!"

Billie got up and began to dress himself, "I'm gonna go kick his ass." he said in anger

(a/n ooh, the dream was foreshadowing)

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now