Are you fucking kidding me!!

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Uncle Billie! My uncle Billie was on the screen! American idiot was blaring out and it was no wonder I could hear it a mile away. I just gazed at the screen enjoying the moment I was in, but I wish he was here. Really preforming and hearing the thousands and thousands of fan screaming there heart out with happiness and adrenaline.

Once the song came to an end I continued my walk to where ever seemed interesting to me. But then I thought, "I've seen this town so much. I see the same tress, people, and shops." So I hopped on the next bus into the city.

I walked towards the bus stop and waited. Once it had arrived I got on and took a comfy seat in the front. I would go to the back, but if something bad happened I would have a quick way to evacuate. Two more people had entered and sat as well, then the doors closed and we drove off. As we drove out of town and into the city you could notice a major difference. It was much livelier and louder, also it's by this huge airport so you can just imagine how many tourist come every day. As the bus made a stop at the airport for anyone to leave or come in, I had noticed loads of people crowded around something or maybe even someone. I saw flashing lights and heard a bunch of screams. Maybe someone famous or a protest of some form, but before I could think much of it we left the bus stop.

I finally got off the bus in the area of the cool shops that you could barely find anywhere else. And come to think of it I didn't even know where the fuck I was going. I didn't even bother shopping in any of the stores. I just lost myself in my thoughts and keeping the mentality of not getting lost as I did so. My head just couldn't stop spinning with thoughts. Billie Joe was all that I could think about, but then I thought about Jack. We almost kissed... TWICE! In under 24 hours.

I quickly snapped out of it and stopped walking, how long have I been gone? I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was 7:30 pm. Holy shit I've been gone for a really long time. I looked around and saw another bus stop. I just want to go home now and lay in bed and let my body just to shut down. The bus finally came after 5 minutes and I got on. We passed by the airport again and the giant crowed of people were all gone aside from some remains of posters. Some of them read "WE LOVE YOU!" or "PUNK ROCK!!"

What the hell was that supposed to mean? Maybe it was someone famous, cool, I wonder who.

I finally arrived back home and ran into my apartment room. I threw my stuff carelessly and crashed in bed. I kept my eyes opened trying to get rid of these thoughts continually floating in my head. Without warning a few tears had started to spill. But within 3 hours I finally fell into a deep sleep at 11:00 pm

/ 2 hours later /

I was still in my peaceful sleep in till I felt something. A warm loving body wrapped there arms around me and nuzzled into my neck. Jack. I turned around and came closer to him giving each other warmth. I slightly opened my eyes to see him.

"You weren't kidding when you said all day huh." I said in a sleepy tone.

He smiled and said "yah, sorry about that." He gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"No its fine."

"Is everything alright?" he asked and I gave a confused look

"What do you mean?"

"Well it looks like you just threw your stuff everywhere, I just thought you might have been in a bad mood or something." Then I remembered.

"Oh, yah I just kept thinking a lot today and it was fucking with my head so I just crashed in bed when I got home. But I'm fine, promise."

"Good" then we fell back asleep.

/ Next day /

I slowly began to wake up from the light shining through the room. Once I finally managed to open my eyes fully, or as much as I could I saw Jack peacefully sleeping, awe he must have been so tired from yesterday. Without making too much noise I picked up my phone to check the time, 10:30. It wasn't too late so I quietly got out of bed trying not to wake up Jack and headed to the kitchen. I turned on the coffee maker and made a freshly brewed cup for myself and left some aside for Jack too. I then proceed to the living room to just chill and enjoy some relaxing time. Something I didn't get in a long time. I picked my phone back up and saw that I had gotten a text.

Oh it was from Uncle Billie, wonder what he wants? I opened the message, it read, "Hey kiddo! How are yah? I need to ask you something. Joey wants to send you something and he doesn't know your new address. Do you mind telling me?"

Oooh, a package. I wonder what joey wanted to send me. Without a second thought I replied with,

"Hey Uncle Billie! In pretty good. How about yourself? And I can't tell you the address until you tell me something first..."

Billie Joe – "no I'm not telling you what it is smart ass :p "

Me- "ah you got me! Okay well its 245 Erin Sccot Ave, Canine town "

Billie joe- "ha ha! Thanks love  <3 "

I placed my phone back down and continued with my TV show I had been watching. After about an hour Jack had woken up from his slumber and entered the living room.

"Hey sleepy head. There's some coffee in the kitchen." He smiled and shuffled his way to the kitchen. Soon after he came back with a hot beverage in a black mug and came to sit next to me on the couch. We both enjoyed out coffee and laughed our asses off from whatever shows we had been watching. I don't know what I was thinking but I just laid my head on Jacks shoulder and nuzzled into his neck making him blush madly. But I didn't care, he just went with it and we continued watching our programs.

A few more hours had passed and I decided to get dressed for the day, Jack just wanted to stay home for today. I was going out and I wasn't going to be long.

"Don't be gone for too long or I'll miss you." He pouted

I giggled "don't worry I won't be too long." I then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I then opened the door and headed on my daily walk. I took a deep breath into the fresh air and headed straight towards the park.

I sat on the bench that I normally go to, right in front of the lake which leads to a beautiful scenery. I gazed at it taking in its wonderful features.

"That sky sure is beautiful this afternoon, huh?" said a male.

Who the hell was that? I turned my head and there he was.......

- Pretty shitty chapter, sorry but the next chapter it going to be way better -

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now