Lies and nightmares

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Jack has been gone for a few weeks now. With his band working harder and getting record deals, I've been home alone more often. I'm fine with it though, he's chasing his dream he had since the day I met him. All I've done was mope around the apartment all day being bored to death, (blink-182 reference ;))

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV and kept switching channels in till if found something I was willing to watch. I stopped to a 30 seconds to mars documentary and it reminded me about the day when Billie said he could get me tickets. What would I tell jack, 'oh ha I was joking.'

No, the night he asked me what happened between us I had to bullshit it quickly.....

"So what did happen between you and Billie?"

"Um... well he was on the phone with Adrien a lot and I understand that he loves his wife, but he just kept ignoring me and I hated it because it was our time to be together. Then we got into this stupid fight about it but we made up for it." I gave a fake smile.

"So where is her now?" jack asked

"Oh, he went back home because something went wrong with one of their songs that they were recording. So I don't think him going to be back anymore."

His face dropped, "oh I'm sorry to hear that." He rubbed my back

"Yah, but at least you're here with me." I smiled, a real one too.

(Back to present)

I do love jack, very much. But, my heart keeps breaking when I think about Billie. I worry about him. All I really need is a good nap.

2 hours later

I heard the door creak open making me snap my eyes open. I took a pair of scissors I has laying on my desk and duct tape in the other. What? It's what I saw first... I peeked out of my room seeing a dark silhouette walking through the door and dropping what seemed to be keys. The silhouette slowly crept towards my room and I hid behind the bed waiting for what could have been my possible death. The shadow got closer and my heart was pounding faster.

"Sky, you there." I heard a whisper, a familiar one too.

My head popped up to see a confused jack. He turned over and jumped.

"Shit! You scared me!" he screamed

"Well you scared me! I thought you were a killer or something?" I yelled back

He just laughed and I smiled thinking about how funny everything turned out.

"Well come here you idiot and give me a hug! You didn't tell me you were going to be home."

He came closer and engulfed me in a warm hug, "well surprise I guess." He chucked while he kissed the top of my head.

I looked up into his eyes and gave him a kiss on his sweet lips. He laid me down on the bed never breaking contact. Our bodies moved closer never wanting to break apart.

"What the hell!!" a loud scream filled the air

Our heads snapped up and my eyes widened, tears threating to spill. Billie.

"Whoa, what's going on? Aren't you supposed to be back home?" jack asked in confusing

"Who told you that bullshit?" he had anger filling his eyes

Jacked turned to me with a hurt expression, he turned back to Billie, "what the hell is the problem?"

"I'm going to kick your ass, that's the problem." He charged towards jack

"Billie no!!!" I screamed

Too late, jack was tumbled to the ground, Billie throwing punch after punch.

"Stop, stop stop!!!"

My head snapped up...., "what the fuck, it was a dream."

I looked around I was alone in the apartment, jack wasn't here and Billie never came back. I laid back down in the silent dark apartment complex and cried silently.

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