Crazy Nights and Crazy Fights

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I slowly began to flutter open my eyes. The apartment was pin drop silent. I checked my phone that was charging on my nightstand. I got 2 missing calls from Damion and 3 missing calls from Jack this morning. I groaned. I place my phone back down and forced myself out of bed. I went to the living room to see Billie sleeping on the couch with the same clothes he wore the day before. He still had not finish packing with all his stuff still spilled out of the luggage and onto the floor. I did not want to bother him, so I took a shower, got dressed and made some coffee. I went back to check on my phone and called Jack.


"Hey Jack, it's me. Sorry for the missed calls I must have slept through them." I said

"No worries. I just wanted to know if you wanted to stop by my apartment today. Its mostly unpacked and I've been dying for you to come over and see it."

"Yeah I'd love to! I'll be there in 15."

"sounds good and oh bring Billie along."

I went numb "yeah um I think he wants to sleep in today. He's been packing up all night."

I could not tell Jack about our fight or then he will find out what I did at the bar that night.

"packing? What for?" he asked

"long story I'll tell you when I get there. Just text me the address."

"okay will do."

We hung up and I headed out. I put the address into google maps and it said it would be a 20-minute walk. I thought about it and decided to walk halfway then take an uber the rest of the way or until I got tired. I heard that walking helps when your life is going through udder shit.

I keep my stride until someone bumped into me, "oh sorry I wasn't looking." I apologized and to only find the last person I wanted to see

"Hey, are you hiding from me?" it was Damion

"look I'm going to keep it straight with you alright. That night was a mistake okay. So, stop blowing up my phone because it is done, a onetime deal got it." I said with aggression

"Woah what are you getting all heating up for." He said with a sly look

"Enough with the crap! Do not talk to me, do not call me, and do not follow me. It was a huge mistake!" I tried to walk pass him, but he grabbed my wrist.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." He said agitated

I yanked away from his grip, "Piss off." And stormed away. Yeah walking does not help it just makes it worse.

"Right here is fine." I said to the uber driver

I got out of the car and said thank you. 'Wow nice place, how can Jack afford a place like this?

I walked up the stairs and pushed the button that said B4 next to it. "come on up" then went a buzz. I stepped inside and heading up to his apartment. Once I got to the door I knocked and waited for an answer.

"Hey come one in!" Jack said with excitement.

I slowly walked in looking around the place.

"wow Jack this place looks really beautiful. quite honestly how are you able to afford a place like this?"

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now