Things are getting heated

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I woke up to a strong arm wrapped around me producing heat to my cold body. I blinked my eyes and looked around my surroundings. Regaining my memory we fell asleep on the couch while watching tv. I heard the silent mumbles coming from the show that was currently on. I slipped from Billie's grip trying not to wake him up. I tired looking for the remote to turn off the tv and finally saw it. I picked it up but being the dumass I was I dropped it on the wood floor making a huge crash sound. The cover and the batteries flew out of the remote and I winced in hopes I didn't wake up Billie. And holy shit, he didn't. What a heavy sleeper.

I struggled to find the missing batteries and finally turned off the stupid tv. I made my way towards my room and picked out a fresh change of clothes. I then shoved my way towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. I turned on the valve releasing cold water. While waiting for it to heat up I started to strip off my clothes I wore the night before. I was going to put on some music when I realized I left my phone on the coffee table. Shit! Please tell me there is a towel in here.

"Aha!" I picked up a towel laying on the floor and wrapped it around my body, "shit." The dam thing was way too small I could only cover my front and barley covering my neither region and my ass was fully expose. Ugh he was a heavy sleeper right? All there was is to pray and take the risk. I creaked the bathroom door open and dash towards the coffee table to wear the littler fucker was. I picked it up and slowly backed away from the crime scene. I then continued my process. The water has finally reached the right temperature and I started to clean myself as I began to sing to the music.


Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?


Out the back door


But I love her anyway

I love her anyway

I love her anyway

Out the back door


But I love her anyway

Miss Jackson

Miss Jackson

Miss Jackson

Are you nasty?"

I was enjoying myself and then finally turned off the water that was pouring down and slipped out of the shower. I then wrapped myself in a...... FUCK! I forgot to get another towel!

Ugh! Why must I be such a dumass! Fuck it I just dried myself as much as I could with the tiny ass towel and slipped into my clean clothes. I took my phone into my jean pocket and headed towards the kitchen. I started up the coffee maker and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I was chewing away while scrolling through twitter. 15 minutes later I heard faint sounds of movement and entered a sleepy Billie Joe.

"Morning sleepy head." I said

"hey." He replied with his groggy voice, and it was kinda hot..... What? He might be friend of my family but it was still sexy.

Billie then poured himself a cup of coffee and sat in front of me.

"You're not going to eat anything? I'll make you something."

"No thanks love. Not really hungry right now."


We sat there in a comfortable silence as I was on my phone and Billie consuming his beverage.

"Oh I almost forgot. I have to stop by the hotel to check out and gather my stuff."

"Alright. There are some extra changes of clothes in the bottom drawer of the dresser."

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now