Chapter 1: Business Proposal

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Jennie POV

I stomped into Appa's office and blasted the door open hard, causing him to flinch.

"What is this?" I frowned as I waved a piece of paper that I printed out from my email this morning.

"And good morning to you too, princess!" Appa smiled widely and I rolled my eyes.

"Appa, I'm not joking. What is going on? Business marriage proposal? I have a boyfriend!" I frowned and Appa rubbed his chin.

"Alright, you caught me. Yes, it's a business marriage proposal and how many times must I tell you that Kai is not compatible with you so stop hanging around with him." Appa frowned and I groaned.

"Why are you making decisions for me, Appa? I love Kai! Why can't you just give us your blessing? He is ready to propose too." I whined as I sat at the couch area and he followed along.

"My dear, please try to understand that Kai is not a good person. I did my research on his family and-" I cut Appa off.

"YOU STALKED HIM?!" I widened my eyes.

"It's for your safety too, sweetheart." Appa sighed.

"Appa, I can't believe you're doing this! I hate you! Ugh!" I stomped out of the room and out of the Kim Industries building.

Me: Meet me at the bar.

Kai: I'm always at the bar hehe! See you, baby!

I drove my Ferrari to the 24/7 bar where Kai is working. That's how I met him a year back. I was just having my own time at the bar when Kai the bartender started talking to me over the counter.

We had a great conversation and really hit it off. Exchanged numbers and it has been great ever since.

I entered the bar and headed straight for the counter where my boyfriend was already smiling widely.

He went out of the counter and gave me a tight hug, caressing my back and squeezing my ass.

"I've missed you. You're so tense, baby. What's wrong?" He whispered and I relaxed myself in his embrace.

"We need to talk." I whispered and he broke the hug.

"Oh no. Am I in trouble?" He asked and I shook my head.

"C'mon..." I gestured towards the counter.

"The usual?" He asked and I shook my head again.

"Just lemon tea. I'm going back to work after this." I said and he nodded before making my drink.

He placed some lemons and tea into the mixer before covering the top and flipping the bottle before smiling at me charmingly.

He did a few throws here and there before serving my drink.

"Alright! A drink for my one and only." He said as he poured the drink on a short scotch glass.

He put away the items before sitting at the counter beside me.

"Appa is making me marry another." I said as I looked at his reaction.

"Okay, cool." He said and I frowned.

"You're okay with it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, I mean. We both know our relationship won't last y'know? Hahaha!" He chuckled and I widened my eyes.

"What do you mean? Kai, we've been dating for a year plus now and you're just telling me this? What happened to your promises?" I frowned and he scratched his head.

"Baby, I love you so much. I really do. But a bartender and the CEO of Kim Industries? They just don't go well. I can't give you the fancy life you want and even your dad knows that." He said sadly and I cupped his cheeks.

"You're giving up on us just because of our status differently? I have money, Kai. I don't need you spending on me. You just have to be by my side." I asked and he sighed.

"Okay, but who are you marrying? For sure, I can still be with you. It will be our secret." He asked and I looked away.

"Lisa... Manoban or something." I said and he sat up in shock.

"Lisa Manoban? The billionaire with special needs? The woman who was born with a penis?!" He said and I shrugged.

"I don't know. How do you know her?" I asked and he jumped over the counter, grabbing a magazine.

He flipped a few pages before pointing to a good looking woman with beautiful eyes, piercing into me. She was wearing a simple shirt and jeans with that look, it makes me skip a beat.

I'm marrying a girl? With a penis? And this is her? Why am I not rejecting this idea anymore?

"Y-you're saying special needs? What's with her? She looks normal." I asked and Kai sat at the bar stool again.

"She's our age. Her parents died and all the fortune went to her. She owns Manoban properties all around Seoul Korea and... recently, that 50 floor office tower that went viral over the internet for being one of the largest offices in Korea? That's hers!" Kai said and I massaged my head.

"Special needs...?" I asked again.

"Oh! Yeah! After her parent's death, she got sick after mourning. Really sick to the point, she woke up one day and her behavior changed into a kid." Kai explained and my jaw dropped.

I'm marrying a person with behavior like a kid? Oh my God. I hate kids.

"Baby, marry her! You can use her money all you want. It's never ending! We can still see each other! She won't know! She's just a stupid kid!" Kai chuckled as he carried me which made me squeal.

"Kai, that's just mean. I can't do that." I said and he put me down looking serious.

"Baby... Do it for us? Don't you want to be with me? Marry her, slowly build her trust and... take her money? We could run away after and have a great life. Her money could control the world. That's how powerful her money can do, love." Kai said as he stared at me deep into my eyes.


"Appa, I agree to the marriage." I said and Appa widened his eyes.

"You're serious?" Appa asked and I nodded.

"Yeah." I said as I grabbed water from the fridge and took a sip.

"What about that bartender?" Appa asked and I sighed.

"His name is Kai, Appa. And we... broke up." I said and Appa punched the air excitedly.

"Yay! Okay! Lisa will make a great husband! Don't you worry! I'm gonna make some arrangements!" Appa said as he made his way to his office in the mansion.

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