Chapter 19: Virgins No More

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Lisa POV

I covered my teddy's eyes when Jennie started stripping in front of me.

"You okay?" Jennie smirked as she crawled towards me, who was sitting on the bed, playing with my iPad.

"I... I..." I stuttered as I stared at her milky white boobies.

"I guess you're fine." She giggled as she headed into the bathroom.

I stared in space for a few seconds, taking in what I just saw from my girlfriend or... fiancée she called it before looking around.

Apparently, I had the balls to propose to her previously.

"Hnnn... It's swollen again..." I whined as I pulled the blankets up to check on the uneasiness I was feeling from the crotch area.

I put my iPad away and walked weirdly towards the bathroom where Jennie didn't lock the door.

"Hnn... J-jennie? H-help me again..." I pouted as I entered the shower with her in my pyjamas.

She ignored me.

"Jennie help... help... help..." I tapped her soft milky shoulder.

She turned around and brushed her wet hair to the back which made me gulp.

I could feel my pee pee throbbing.

I looked down.

It's moving by itself!

I widened my eyes when she pulled down my pyjamas, kneeled down under the shower right in front of my pee pee.

She licked my pee pee which made me flinch backwards.

I nearly lost my balance but thankfully, Jennie grabbed my wrist.

"Stay still. Let me help." She said and I nodded nervously.

She licked my pee pee again, causing me to squint my eyes.

It feels good. I don't know how to explain it. I want her to do more.

"Hnnn! J-jennie... t-this feels weird..." I said truthfully as I looked down.

She made eye contact with me before putting my pee pee inside her mouth.

Is this normal? Pee comes out from there! Why is she doing that? But it feels amazing though!

"Gghhkk!" She gagged before pulling out and away from my pee pee.

I want her to do that again.

It was magical!

"Are you okay? C-can you do that again?" I asked her and she nodded.

She tried again, taking my whole pee pee into her warm mouth which made me shut my eyes.

Deeper... I want her to go deeper into her mouth.

"Deeper, Jennie... Hnnn..." I squinted when she obeyed before gagging again.

This time, she started coughing which made me worried.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry... M-my pee pee makes you cough?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Let me try this instead." She said as she wrapped her hands around my pee pee and started moving it back and forth.

"Ngahh! Hnnn... J-jennie what is happening? It feels good!" I asked her.

She didn't answer me.

Instead, she continued stroking my pee pee until I felt like I'm in heaven, causing me to groan and I peed in white on her face.

Hmm... For some reason, it looks familiar.

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