Chapter 16: Reset Button II

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Lisa POV

"Hnn... W-where am I? Where teddy...?" I looked around nervously.

"Lisa? Lisa... Are you okay?" A beautiful girl patted my arm and I flinched.

I looked at the girl followed by another girl who was rushing behind her, staring at me upon the sudden entrance.

"D-don't touch me... I'm scared... W-who are you?" I asked innocently and she widened her eyes.

"It's me... Rose and Jisoo? Your friend in Japan? We lived together for like... 2 years?" She said and I shook my head.

"Don't lie... It's not good to lie. Did you take teddy? Can I have it back?" I said nervously and she pressed the nurse call button.

I remained quiet as people started entering and checking me.

"Ow! My head hurts... don't do that." I moved away from the doctor that touched me.

"Hmm... She seems to lose parts of her memory." The doctor explained to the girl named Rose.

I started to tear up.

I don't know these people.

I'm scared.

Teddy... Where's teddy... I need teddy.

"Jennie, slow down! You shouldn't be moving so much! The doctor says you need your rest!" I heard a familiar voice.

Sounds like Jennie's Appa...

"J-jennie?" I tried to stand up from the bed but the doctors pinned me down.

"Ms Manoban, please don't move too much! Your vitals aren't stable!" The doctor warned me.

"JENNIEEE! I'M SCARED! HELP ME!" I screamed my lungs out as I cried in fear.

"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I heard her voice thundering in my room.

"J-jennie... It's not good to curse..." I whispered as I wiggled to leave my bed.

Jennie stomped towards me and passed me teddy.

"Hehehe! Teddy!" I smiled widely and Jennie hugged me.

"You're not going anywhere without me. You understand?" She whispered and I nodded.

"Jennie dear, Lisa needs to-" Jennie cut her Appa off.

"She is not going anywhere. This is Lisa. The way she should be. The perfect way she is. You tell that crazy friend of yours to FUCK OFF!" Jennie started shouting to her Appa which made me flinch.

"Hnn... Jennie... It's not good to curse. Don't curse anymore ok?" I requested and she nodded as she wiped my tears.

My attention turned to the two strangers that were staring at me sadly. I don't know them. I don't think I would stay in Japan for 2 years. And... making friends? That's definitely not me. I don't trust strangers easily.

"Who are they?" I whispered to Jennie who turned to see who I was referring to.

"You need your rest. Once you're better, we will explain to you everything. I love you. So much." She whispered before kissing my head countless times.


"GAAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed the moment I entered my penthouse bathroom.

In seconds, Jennie and the two girls ran to me.

"It's okay, it's okay." Jennie covered my eyes.

"N-no! I look... I look different! J-jennie! Help! Something happened to my face!" I panicked.

"Shhh... I know. It's okay. I'll explain to you. And so will your friends." Jennie whispered as she rubbed my back.

They brought me to the living room.

The Jisoo girl attached a cable between her phone and the tv.

I didn't know what she's doing until the connection was stable and it showed several footage of me... them... Jennie's change of personality...

The whole time, Jennie was staring at me, waiting for my reaction.

"W-what happened to me... Why can't I remember?" I sobbed.

They took their time to explain from A to Z. Me on the other hand is feeling so lost. I mean... I actually made friends! Me! I did!

"I'm sorry I can't remember you... But thank you for accepting me..." I said softly and they smiled before giving me a warm hug.

Yes, a welcoming warm hug. Similar to Jennie's. That's how I know they're sincere. They're nice people. I want them to stay with me.


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