Chapter 23: I'm married!

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Lisa POV

I woke up with a soft skin under me.

My head hurts.

I need to puke.

I quickly stood up- "AAANNHH! B-babe... slowly..." I heard someone groan.

I widened my eyes when my pee pee was stuck in someone's else's pee pee.

I gulped nervously, worried if I cheated on Jennie.

All I remembered was trying a few drinks and the next moment, I was dancing on the dance floor.

Why am I here?

I slowly pulled out my pee pee from hers and I was about to see who it was but her hair was covering her face and my urge to puke came back so I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out.

"Baby? You okay?" I heard a familiar voice.

Wait? Jennie?

I washed my mouth and checked who it was.

It really is Jennie!

I rubbed my chest and sighed in relief.

Thank God I didn't cheat on my one and only!

"I'm sorry..." I played with my fingers nervously.

"We need to talk. C'mon." She said as she pulled me towards the living room.

We both put on a robe and sat there.

"Babe, you got me worried you know that? Why did you leave the penthouse so suddenly and stare at the lake?" She asked and I pouted after recalling what happened that morning.

I sighed.

"I... I woke up and... and saw the media. It hurts here... my heart... T-then... I saw you sleeping in the living room... y-you were sexy... My pee pee was very excited... b-but I keep thinking of you and... him. I d-didn't want to do 'that' with you because I was upset... so I left." I explained as I hugged my teddy bear that's just on the couch.

"Baby, you know the media is not always true? I'm sorry if I've been busy and neglecting you due to the projects. I don't blame you for feeling that way when I always have a project with Nigel but do you trust me that I won't cheat on you?" She asked and I looked down.

"I trust you. B-but not him. Not yet." I shook my head and she smiled.

"Your trust in me is enough. Will you forgive me?" She caressed my hands and I nodded.

We had sex again.

I don't know what has gotten to me but I'm getting good at this. Maybe is the porno I watch on my free time.

She's enjoying our bedtime, screaming my name, telling the world, she's mine.


The media cleared up after the group picture was exposed. Nigel on the other hand pulled out his partnership with my company to show his unexpected ego.

Jennie and I went to a press conference to explain the situation. Nigel did try to sue us but with no evidence of what he is framing us, he was sent to jail for giving out false accusations.

It wasn't harsh.

Just 2 weeks in jail as I agreed to give him the lightest sentence.

So today, the day came.

Lisa Manoban is going to be a husband to Jennie Kim.

We didn't plan much actually. We both decided that we wanted an intimate wedding. Just us and some close companies.

She's beautiful.


Her Appa was still invited to the wedding even after he suggested to Jennie a sort of 'therapy' for me to be normal.

Part of me knows that despite her Appa being supportive of me back then, he still wants to find a cure for me.

I don't know whether to see it in a positive or negative way.

What I know is, Jennie loves me for who I am. Normal or not.

"I pronounce you husband and wife." The priest smiled and I jumped excitedly before giving her a passionate kiss.

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