Chapter 4: Farewell, Crush.

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Lisa POV

Jennie entered the room again so I smiled.

"Hiii..." I waved at her with my teddy hand.

She giggled and waved back.

"Who... was that?" I asked and she sat down back on the seat beside my bed.

"He... is my ex-boyfriend." She said and I widened my eyes before nodding.

"How did you both meet?" I said and she smiled.

"In a bar. It was just a normal Friday night where I just wanted to release my stress by having my favorite drink. He was the bartender and we chatted." She smiled widely and I could sense she's still not over him.

"D-do you still... love him?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I do." She said softly and I nodded before looking down.

"T-then why... Why did you accept the proposal?" I asked her and she sighed before brushing her fingers through her beautiful hair.

"I wanted to know your intention of the sudden proposal because before this, I didn't know you had a crush on me nor did I know you knew me from the start. I thought you were some random person with a bad intention towards my company." She explained and I nodded again before staring at my teddy bear, gesturing to scratch its head.

"Did you both break up because of me?" I asked guiltily and she nodded.

"Partially... My Appa on the other hand doesn't like him..." She shrugged.

"Why is that?" I asked her and she sighed.

"Appa said that Kai is up to no good." She replied so I sat up.

"And you don't believe him?" I asked and she frowned.

"Of course not. Kai is a great guy." She said and I pouted.

"I think your dad is right." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Lisa, you just met him for a minute while I've known him for a year. You shouldn't be judging him." She crossed her arm.

I stared at my teddy bear for a minute before glancing at Jennie who was staring at my actions the past seconds.

"So... You're backing out my proposal?" I asked sadly and she looked at me before nodding.

"I'm sorry..." She caressed my hands and I shook my head, smiling bitterly.

"It's alright... I want my crush to be happy but... If you change your mind, I'm... everywhere." I said as she giggled.

"Lisa, you can't stay single your whole life. You're a famous billionaire from what the magazine says. Surely one day you'll find your true love?" She said and I stared at her deeply.

"There's no one else, Jennie. But thank you for accepting the proposal at first. I wouldn't have the chance to see you face to face if it wasn't for your acceptance." I bowed slightly before standing up from my bed.

"W-where are you going?" She asked worriedly.

"Back to my previous life. Take care of yourself, okay? It was nice to see you again." I offered her my hand and she stared at it.

"Lisa... You've yet to recover-" I cut her off, clenching my hand into a fist.

"Does it matter?" I smiled bitterly before walking away but she grabbed my wrist.

"You're staying here until you're fully recovered." She said and I chuckled.

"Stop trying to be a mother to me. It's so annoying." I said as I pulled my arm and walked out of the ward with my teddy bear.

I walked out of the hospital with my hospital clothes, not caring the looks of the people around me as always. I hailed a cab and got in before staring outside the window.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"To the airport." I said and he nodded before driving off.

I leaned my head on the window as I stared at my teddy bear that's on my lap.

I didn't realize I was already tearing up until my eyes got blurry.

"Everything will be okay." I whispered as I wiped my tears and nodded to myself.


I laid on my private jet's bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Eomma, Appa... It was nice while it lasted. Hehehe! I waited years for her... and a guy she met for a day simply swooped in and won her heart. I'm such a loser..." I chuckled as I lifted my teddy bear up high.

I sat up and sighed.

"Oh well. What's new..." I whispered as I walked towards my cockpit and buckled my teddy bear on the co-pilot seat before sitting on the main pilot seat.

I turned on the engine, flicked some of the switches and put on my headphones.

I accelerated my private plane towards the departure strip and communicated with the radio tower before taking off.

When I got to the ideal altitude and direction, I set my jet as an auto pilot before unbuckling my teddy bear from the seat and laid back down on the bed, setting my alarm on my phone before tucking myself to sleep.

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