Chapter 13: Jisoo's Love Life

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Jisoo POV

"Hmmm... So she's on her way to Dylan's now?" I asked and Lisa, who was hugging onto her body pillow nodded sadly.

I turned to look at Rose and shrugged.

"What should we do?" Rosie asked and I rubbed my chin.

"I'll say we leave her alone and adopt some babies to make her happy- OWWW!" I said before receiving a smack from her.

"Be serious!" She frowned and I scratched my head.

"Yah, she's closer to you. Why not give an idea to cheer her up?" I asked her back and she rolled her eyes.

"No sex tonight." She said as she walked away so I quickly jogged behind her.

"Y-yah yah! Waeyo? You've been pushing me away everytime I initiate sex!" I asked and she ignored me.

She lay on the bed and hugged Lisa who eventually started crying.

This big baby...

"I regret leaving her so much... This wouldn't happen..." Lisa let her frustrations out.

I look at Rose who kissed Lisa's head.

I felt a spark of jealousy in me but I pushed it away. Lisa, Rose and I were great friends the day we met.

Our first encounter started when I was in the streets, listening to a beautiful voice followed by a few strumming of the guitar.

It was a beautiful white purple ash-haired girl (how you like that era hair color), in the cold night, singing melodiously until...


—Japan 2 years ago—

"Hsss... What a cold night." I rubbed my hands together the moment I left my building.

"Bye loser! We hate you!" I heard my underlings shouted across the street as they walked home as a group.

"Love you toooo! Stay positive! Haish... they hate me." I waved at them.

It's 9pm now. I just finished my proposal that needed my attention for the past weeks. It's been piling up and my clients are still waiting for an answer.

Despite the thick gloves I'm wearing, it's still freezing cold.

"LET ME GO! SOMEBODY HELP!" I heard someone screaming in the alleyway just beside my building.

Following my instinct, I ran to where I last heard the voice.

I came across 2 guys gripping a woman tightly. Pretty girl I might add. There's no doubt why they targeted her. She was wearing a sexy dress which made me gulp.

"H-hey uhmm... Let her go." I said, hoping they won't start a fight but... who am I kidding?


"Owww... Khagh... kheh..." I coughed as I hugged my body.

"Are you okay? Thanks for saving me..." She patted my arm and I nodded before smiling shyly.

"I'm fine~ Hey... What's your name? Can we maybe get some coffee?" I winked and she slapped me so hard, it echoed in the alleyway.

"Ewww! Are you a lesbo or something?! I'm not into girls!" She said and I pouted, rubbing my cheeks as I looked at her walk away.

"Seriously, what a day." I huffed a sigh as I pushed myself to stand up.

Dumped by my girlfriend of 2 years relationship... now, slapped and insulted by a random girl who I helped.

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