Chapter 6: Swollen Pee Pee

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Lisa POV

I sat in the Kim Industries lobby area reading through a magazine they published about me. I sighed as I couldn't erase the kiss I witnessed back in Jennie's office.

"Hey! Lisa! Hi again! I'm not making you uncomfortable now am I?" Kai chuckled as he sat beside me.

"Hello, Kai." I simply nodded.

"Why are you here anyways? You left a bouquet for Jennie? I thought you guys were just friends?" He asked as he drank the coffee I ordered previously from Starbucks without my permission.

I gripped my teddy bear slightly when he did that.

"Yes, I left her a bouquet... Did she receive it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, I told her it's from me." He chuckled and I smiled.

That's fine... I wrote my initials anyway.

"You still have a crush on her?" He asked and I nodded again.

"I see... say, do you wanna learn how I did it? Wooing her. I can teach you a thing or two." He offered and I widened my eyes.

"You will?" I asked and he nodded quickly.

"Hell yeah!" He said and I smiled.

"B-but... aren't you affected by this? That I still have a crush on her?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Not at all. Technically we have broken up so... she has the freedom to choose you or me. I'm not affected because I know Jennie will always go back to me." He said cockily and I nodded slowly.

"If you guys have broken up... why do you still kiss her?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Ahh... is that why you left the bouquet outside? You saw us, huh? Hehe! Yeah, I kiss her whenever I want to." He smirked.

"Then... if I win her heart... Will you still kiss her whenever you want to?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah but don't worry. She won't fall for you no matter how hard you try hahaha!" He chuckled.

I read a text from Jennie.

Jennie: Thank you for the flowers. They're lovely.

Me: You're welcome.

"C'mon, I'll bring you somewhere to get that charm Jennie likes in me." He said as he pulled me up to follow him.

"Whoaaaa! Nice car! Can I ride it?" He asked and I nodded before passing him my key.

I wished I didn't.

He drove like a crazy motherfucker.

I was just grateful we reached safely.

I looked around the place where he parked.

I've never been here my whole life.

"Okay! So first thing's first. Have you had a piercing?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Good! It's your first time today!" He said as he pulled into the shop that has tattoos and piercing services.

I gulped when the artist was literally covered with a full face tattoo.

"Alright! Ben! Can you give her a piercing at the eyebrow? Which one Lisa? Left or right eyebrow?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Buddy, let's do the right side." He said and I nodded, gripping my teddy bear tightly when it hurt.

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