Chapter 2: First Encounter

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Lisa POV

"She agreed?" I clapped excitedly upon receiving a video call from the soon to be former CEO of Kim Industries.

"Yes! She agreed! When are you gonna drop by and get to know her?" Mr Kim asked.

"L-let me see my schedule!" I said as I skipped towards my office in my penthouse before grabbing my donald duck planner.

I flipped to today's date and gulped when I realized I'll be very busy the next few weeks.

"Hmm... I won't be in Seoul for the next few days and weeks... Do you think Jennie would follow me to Turkey for my business meeting and at the same time, get to know her? I will pay all the expenses. I just need her time..." I asked and he widened his eyes.

"Wow... Uhmm... I will go ask her now." Mr Kim said as he placed his phone in his pocket.

I could hear their muffled conversation.

There seemed to be some arguments so I put my phone aside and played with my fingers nervously. I started to bite my fingernails when I heard them shouting to each other.

Is... is it going well?

"Okay! She said yes!" Mr Kim said and I hopped excitedly.

"Yay! Okay! Uh... I... I will personally pick her up tomorrow at 7am! I'll be there on time I promise!" I said and he nodded before ending the call.

I ran to my room and started packing my luggage for my business trip tomorrow. I'm so excited that Jennie Kim agreed to spend her time with me!

I took a shower and changed into my pajamas before tucking myself to sleep with my trusty teddy bear plush named Leo. I took a glance at my parents photo beside my bed and smiled.

"Goodnight Eomma, Appa! Wish me luck! I have had a crush on her since kindergarten! Remember Jennie? The one you both were called to see the principal because I kept squeezing her cheeks? Hehehe! I hope everything goes well." I whispered as I shut my eyes.


I opened my eyes and smiled widely when the alarm rang.

"Good morning Eomma, Appa!" I greeted my parents before running to the bathroom and took a shower before changing into a simple donald duck hoodie with jeans.

I went to my kitchen and made my daily essential cereal and ate it slowly.

It's about a 15 minute drive from my penthouse to Kim's Mansion.

When I reached the mansion gate, it automatically opened when their bodyguards saw my car. When I drove past the drive in, my heart skipped a beat upon seeing Jennie, frowning as though she was having a bad week.

"Jennie! Hi!" I smiled widely the moment I left the car and jogged towards her to carry her luggage.

"7 AM IN THE MORNING?! SERIOUSLY MANOBAN?!" She shouted as she stomped her foot which made me giggle upon her cute self hence I changed my target.

Instead of the luggage, I carried her and did a spin which made her squeal.

"YAH! PUT ME DOWN!" She screamed and I laughed when she panicked.

I was having the best time teasing her when all of a sudden...

"LISA MANOBAN IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT, I WILL CHOP OFF YOUR DICK!" She screamed which made me quickly put her down and look at her nervously.

She brushed her hair to the back and frowned.

"Y-you won't chop it off, right? W-we need it to... y-yknow..." I played with my fingers.

"Don't you dare think that's gonna happen and don't touch me ever again. Now go grab my luggage!" She stomped towards the car and entered before crossing her arms.

I pursed my lips together, fighting my urge to cry.

After standing for a minute to regain myself, she eventually turned her attention to me and got out of the car.

She didn't say a word but simply sighed.

She carried her luggage herself and placed it behind my bonnet.

"Are you coming or not?" She asked softly this time and I wiped my tears before nodding.

I got into my car driver seat and stared at her seat belt.

"P-put on your seatbelt please..." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't want to." She said as she stared at the front.

"It's for your safety." I said and she shook her head.

"I won't drive if you don't wear your seatbelt. I can put it on for you. May I?" I said softly and she frowned at me.

"I said don't touch me and I don't want to." She said as she turned her attention back to the front.

"But I don't want to lose you. Like Eomma and Appa." I said softly, looking down, almost whispering nervously.

She sighed and put on the seatbelt.

"Hurry up." She said and I smiled before starting the car and driving off.

Throughout the journey, it was quiet. I wanted to start a conversation but it seems that we may have gotten on the wrong foot. Maybe carrying her and spinning her wasn't a good encounter for the first time getting to know a person.

I took a glance at her whenever she had a text notification. She's been busy chatting with someone. I wonder who it is. Not that it's my business but she seemed to be smiling from the text from whoever that was.

"Have you uhh... had your breakfast?" I asked and she put the phone away with a sigh.

"I'm not a morning person, especially when I'm forced to wake up and get out of the house by 7am. And no, I don't eat breakfast. I usually have brunch instead." She said and I widened my eyes.

"You don't eat breakfast? But that's like the most important meal of the day! Shall I stop somewhere for you to eat?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Don't bother and stop trying to be a mother to me. It's so annoying." She rolled her eyes again and I gulped.

"Are you... always this mean? What happened to you after kindergarten? You were so sweet back then. Chubby too." I asked sadly.

"You know me when we were kids?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah... Remember the one who always squeezed your cheeks?" I said and she widened her eyes.

"Oh hell no! Stop the car right now!" She commanded and I gulped before pressing the hazard light and slowed down to the side.

The moment my car stopped, she unbuckled the seatbelt and got out of the car.

"H-hey! Where are you going?" I asked as I left the car too.

"Away from you. I can't marry you. I'm sorry. Call it off." She said and I looked at her sadly.

"You hate me that much? We were just kids..." I pouted.

"Just kids?! You were the reason I got self conscious of my weight! I went through so much self esteem problems because of you!" She frowned and I widened my eyes.

"Y-you did? I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way... It's just that... Your cheeks were chubby and nice to y'know... squeeze." I said truthfully as I kicked a tiny rock softly.

"Noted with thanks now leave me alone and tell my dad the wedding is off. I can't go through this especially with you!" She pushed me before she started walking towards a sort of cafe.

I tailed behind her slowly.

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