Chapter 14: Rose's Insecurities

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Rose POV

I caressed Jisoo's hand as we watched Disney together in the living room... with Lisa.

"DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAAAAAAAAN~ COME ON JISOO LET'S GO AND PLAAAAAAY~" Lisa started singing which made Jisoo glare at her.

Let's just say we didn't get to make love previously. Especially with Lisa knocking on the door every few minutes.

We did make the pancakes though... only to let Lisa be more emotional as pancakes are kind of a highlight of her life with Jennie.

"Babe... Just let her have her fun, okay?" I rubbed Jisoo's back and she rolled her eyes.

Ding! The elevator chimed.

"JENNIE! IT'S JENNIE!" Lisa ran to the elevator of her penthouse only to see her frowning.

"Lisa?" Rose stood up worriedly.

"Give me her... What happened?" Lisa walked forward before rushing towards us with Jennie in her arms, sleeping or... unconscious?

She placed Jennie on the couch and tapped her cheek worriedly.

"She... uhmm... I... I got angry because she kept on talking about you so I scolded her and then ummm... I think she has a panic attack or something because she started shouting and the next moment, she passed out." Dylan said nervously as he stood at the corner of the living room timidly.

Something is definitely not right about this...

I felt Jisoo back hugging me.

"Babe...? Can you not look at him like that? I don't like it..." Jealous big baby of mine whispered and I turned my attention to Jennie.

"Something is not right... Lisa, move aside for a while." I whispered before breaking the hug and walked towards Jennie's unconscious body that's on the couch, telling Lisa to give me space.

Lisa obeyed... a bit. She literally moved an inch.

I gently tilt Jennie's jaw to the side before checking her wrist.

"Signs of trauma..." I whispered as I carefully lifted her arm.

I turned my attention to Dylan who quickly avoided eye contact.

"I... I should go now... Ummm... Update me if... she's okay?" Dylan said nervously as he slowly made his way towards the penthouse elevator.

I turned to Jisoo and she understood me in a flash.

She grabbed the lift secondary controller and halted the elevator from functioning.

"H-hey! What? What happened? Uhmm... The elevator is not working. Can you do something about it?" Dylan panicked, spamming the buttons.

My breathing got heavier as I slowly pulled up Jennie's shirt to see a huge bruise mark.

I squinted my eyes as I shook my head.



"N-no no, Appa, I'm sorry! Please!" I sobbed as I crawled away from that monster.

"I won't hurt you if you don't tell your mother, Rose." Appa smirked.

"I won't... I... I promise! Let me go!" I struggled when Appa's bodyguards pinned me down.

"Bring her to the basement. Teach her a lesson, monitor her and make sure she doesn't speak a word about what she just saw." Appa commanded his bodyguards.

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