Chapter 30: The End

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Narrator POV

Years have passed and the two couples found their eternal happiness.

With the ever blooming business of Park-Kim Jisoo and the support of her parents, Park-Kim Rose didn't have to rely on her family's fortune which was fine by Jisoo and her family.

They are simply content seeing Rose eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in front of them. That woman could really eat. Of course, with their small grandchild, Miko who has a similar interest in food.

Kim's family was able to execute the prison plan on Rose's Appa and it went well.

Right now, Rose's Appa is placed on a prison island where he wouldn't have any contact with the outside world and with that, his subordinates remain confused on where to locate him, leaving the Kim-Park family in a peace of mind.

The Kim-Manobans let go of their company to stay low in Australia.

Instead of being CEOs in their boring offices, they opened a small cafe just a few blocks away from their humble abode. A simple concept cafe where the decor is instagram friendly and trendy, loved by the locals.

And with that, they all live happily ever after~

The End.

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