Chapter 20: I'm Always Here

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Jennie POV

I waited outside the room Lisa's getting treated.

I'm very worried for her.

She doesn't like strangers.

I tapped my fingers on the empty seat beside me as I looked down on the floor.

"She's going to be okay..." I whispered.

—— Flashback ——

"Can I follow, please? I will be good." Lisa played with her teddy bear.

"Lisa, I'm sorry but this is a corporate meeting. They have a strict list of invitations for this project." I explained and she pouted before nodding.

"O-okay... Cool. Yeah... I will wait for you here then. You will be home soon right?" She asked with hope in her eyes and I looked at the time.

"I can't promise you but I will try to be back by 9pm arasso?" I said and she nodded slowly, waving with her teddy bear hand as I closed the door.

I sighed after I closed the door.

I opened it again to see her still staring at my door with a smile.

"Did you change your mind?" She asked and I shook my head as I walked towards her.

"Take care of yourself. I love you." I gave her a quick peck and she nodded shyly.

She gave me another sad wave.

"Come back soon, ne?" She said and I nodded.


"Oh God... My head hurts..." I whispered as I massaged my head.

"Jennie, right? Are you okay?" One of the partners asked me.

"Yeah, I'm just not good with alcohol..." I smiled politely.

"Do you need a lift?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Uhmm... No thanks. Can you let me know the time?" I asked him as I rubbed my eyes.

"It's 12:20 am. Are you sure you don't need a lift? It's not safe for you to go home in this state." He offered again and I nodded.

I entered his car and he drove off after giving him Lisa's penthouse address.

I told her I'll be home early but I couldn't reject a drink of the partnership. It's a celebration of 8 years of partnership.

I looked at my phone.


100+ missed calls?!

I hope she's not angry at me.

"Thank you, Nigel. I'll be fine from here. See you at work?" I said as I tapped the penthouse card key and he nodded.

I entered the elevator and it brought me straight to Lisa's penthouse.

"Baby, I'm home..." I said softly as I massaged my head.

Hmm? No response.

"Babe?" I headed to our room to only see our bed tidied up by the evening shift maids.

Where is she?

I called her number but to no avail.

"Shit..." I whispered as I ran towards the elevator.

"Have you seen Lisa?!" I asked the receptionist at the lobby area.

"She left 3 hours ago." The woman replied.

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