Chapter 18: Future in laws

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Rose POV

After an hour of flight to Japan, we were escorted by very high security escorts which made my jaw drop.

It makes me wonder who is richer between us two.

Not that it matters but I realise Jisoo's family is very hubble and lowkey.

Despite the big blow up on social media when Jisoo decided to run away and live on her own, her family is actually having their own peace.

Maybe she has something I don't and that's... a supportive parent.


"Ngeeeeoooowww~ Open wide~ ...hey c'mon. I'm feeding you." Jisoo made an aeroplane gesture with the spoon and pouted when I didn't accept her offer.

"Babe... Can you like... take things seriously... especially in front of your parents?" I whispered and her parents chuckled.

"It's alright, Rose. She's always like this. Which is why when she said she didn't want to take over the company and wanted to run away, we didn't actually think she was serious until she really left for good." Her Eomma said which made me smile and nod.

"Yeah... Do you believe me now?" Jisoo asked and her parents nodded.

"It's been 3 years since you left and live independently. I have to say, you're doing pretty well yourself. Even without our support from the Kimson company." Her Appa smiled.

"Anya... I wouldn't be able to make it without your motivation. The moment I left the mansion, I wanted to prove to you that I could do everything on my own. Sadly, people hate me for being me. And... speaking of hate... Uhmm... How much do you know between me and Rose?" Jisoo asked her parents nervously.

"Rose didn't share anything. I only know you both as close friends but... I believe there's more to that. Right, Jisoo?" Her Eomma asked before turning to me.

"Eomma, I know you wanted me to be with Irene... B-but-" Jisoo stopped talking when her Eomma stood up.

I felt a tension between them.

Her Eomma walked to the other side, close to us.

She gave the both of us a hug.

A warm hug.

"It's a good thing Irene dumped you. I believe that Rose makes you happier than her." Her Eomma whispered.

"You think so?" Jisoo asked and her Eomma caressed her cheek.

"My dear, this woman cares for you more than your wealth. She was willing to stay with you in that crusty apartment of Lisa's when she could choose to stay at a 5 star hotel with zero pinch of her wallet. And as me and your Appa has been asking since the day you left this mansion, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET MARRY?!" Her Eomma all of a sudden blew up which made me flinch.

"Aish! Why am I marrying first?! Jerry is part of the family too! Ask him to marry first!" Jisoo whined.

"Your small brother has been taking over the company on your behalf and he's been having too much stress lately. Wedding is out of the question for him, Jisoo. Since you're no longer single, Ms Park Rose, would you accept a proposal-" Jisoo cut off her Appa.

"Appa! Why would you propose to her on my behalf?! Let me do it! Let me do it!" Jisoo quickly stood up and ran towards a wardrobe living room where the butler last placed her coat.

Wait, what? A proposal? This sudden?

"Uhhh... Rose~ Could you maybe meet me at the balcony? Or uh.. The garden?" She asked and I nodded.

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