Chapter 9: My Poor Lisa

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Jennie POV

Lisa hasn't been replying to my calls. I'm getting worried.

I was about to grab my car keys when I received a text.

Kai: Baby, let's have a quick drink? I'm feeling pumped!

Me: Kai, I've told you, we're done.

Kai: We're not done as long as she lives?

Me: What do you mean?

Kai: I don't know? Maybe see if she's still breathing or something?


I grabbed my car keys and ran out of my office.

Kai: A lesson for you choosing her over me.

I got in my car and drove at a crazy speed towards Lisa's office.

I ran past the lobby and into the elevator, spamming the buttons to shut quickly.

"Miss Kim? How can I-" I ignored the secretary, entered Lisa's room to cover my mouth in shock.

"N-no, Lisa..." I whispered as I grabbed my phone and called an ambulance.

Lisa was staring blankly towards the door where I was. Her whole head is bleeding and her face is just... fucked up.

"Lisa... Oh God... Why..." I cried.

"N-no more... D-don't save... me... I'm... done." Lisa whispered weakly.

"Please, Lisa... Live for me. I need you." I sobbed and she shook her head slowly.

"I love you, Jennie..." She whispered.

"I love you more, Lisa..." I whispered.


I brushed my hair to the back as Lisa entered the emergency department to get aided.

"Jennie, let's go home. I will leave some bodyguards here to update us." Appa said and I shook my head.

"N-no, Appa... Lisa needs me." I sobbed.

"Lisa... She... I don't think she will make it this time, Jennie." Appa said softly and I shook my head.

"NO! SHE WILL MAKE IT!" I shouted back and Appa quickly hugged me.

"Shhh... Princess. It's okay... Lisa just wanted the best for you. She just wants you to be happy. That's her wish." Appa rubbed my back.

"Appa nooo... I need her." I sobbed and Appa kissed my head.


I stared at Lisa whose face is covered with a bandage.

Kai is seriously out of the line.

Lisa suffered a broken nose, busted lip and her eyes are partially blind because of him.

I leaned my head on her hand and kissed it.

If only she didn't go to work...


It's been 1 month and Lisa isn't waking up.

The news has been crazy lately.

"Princess... It's time to move on... You can't keep on staying here..." Appa rubbed my back.

"S-she... She needs me... Appa... I love her... I love her so much..." I whispered.

"I know, precious but... You have a life." Appa whispered.

"She is my life, Appa... I miss her so much and she's just here but she won't wake up..." I started to cry again.


Author's note: Hmm... Maybe one more chapter.

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