Chapter 29: Not this time

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Lisa POV

I knew he was up to no good.

The moment the door closed behind me, he turned and grabbed me by the collar, choking me.

"Shhh... Jennie is tired. You don't want to make this a big deal right? So here's the deal. You will leave right now and I'll cover up for you. This is the family I want. You go get someone else." He suggested so I shook my head.

"Fuck you. I'm giving you another chance to change your answer." He kicked my stomach with his knee causing me to kneel in pain.

I covered my mouth to stop me from reacting to the pain.

It hurts...

"C'mon, weirdo. Say you will leave and I'll spare your life." Matteo whispered.

"P-please... I just want my family. Please, don't do this..." I cried but he huffed in anger.

"You don't deserve a family you retarded fuck. Jennie belongs to me and so is the baby." He whispered.

"G-give me time... Please." I begged as I hugged his foot.

"You have until tomorrow." He whispered before giving me another blow to the stomach.

He walked towards the lift and left.

Why... Why must my life always be this unfair? Don't I deserve happiness?

I stood up and rubbed my tummy. I need to make sure Nini doesn't see this bruise. Also... we need to get out of here.

Matteo will come again tomorrow.

I can't let him take away my life again.

I found it weird that he knew Nini was in labour... Surely there's a bug somewhere.

I entered the room and smiled upon seeing both my precious being sleeping soundly.

I started cleaning up what I could around the bed. The cords, wipe some of the blood away.

When everything was abit more bearable, I turned off the lights and looked around.

A RED LIGHT! It's coming from the dresser.

Shit... I guess it is a camera.

I pulled the camera pin and wrapped it with one of my clothes before turning to Nini.

We need to get out of here.

Wait no... I need to bring her to the hospital.

Get my baby registered and then run away.

Ahh shit.

But what if he finds out we are running?

He would realise the camera was moved away.

"Nini? Love, I'm sorry but you need to wake up. We have to get out of here." I tapped her cheeks.

Of course she can't wake up. She's exhausted!

"Oke oke... Think Lisa. Aha!" I sprinted out of my penthouse and went to the lobby to get a wheelchair.

I transferred Nini to the wheelchair and our baby on her lap, making sure it's secure before pushing her into the lift.


Okay focus, Lisa!

I headed straight to the carpark.

"Hmm... Babe? Where are we going?" Nini opened her eyes half tiredly.

"I will explain later. We need to get out of Korea for now. I have called a personal nurse and doctor to monitor you until we get to Australia." I said before entering the car and started driving towards the airport.

Nini didn't ask much. She stared at our baby as I drove at a high speed through the expressway.

When we reached the airport, the personally hired doctor and nurse were already outside of the private jet, waiting for our arrival.

Throughout our journey to Australia, they monitored Nini's condition and whatever that needed to be done after delivering a baby which includes stitching, wiping the baby and breastfeed.

It was beautiful.

I cried all over again by Nini's side.

"What are we gonna name her, love?" Nini whispered as we both stared at our newborn.

"I was thinking Ella Kim-Manoban...?" I suggested.

"I love it." Nini nodded before hugging my waist.


"So what was this about? Surely you wouldn't just bring me overseas for a vacation this sudden?" Nini asked me and I remained quiet.

"B-before I get there... What happened to Chief Akela?" I scratched my head.

I wonder what happened to that guy.

"Uhmm... about a month after I disappeared, Matteo was able to get some information about him. Fortunately, he died of a heart attack about a few months ago and his people couldn't find a replacement chief for the village since he had no children hence gone separate ways." Nini explained and I nodded slowly.

Matteo is always in the picture.

It pisses me off.

"Matteo threatened me when we discussed it in the living room..." I sighed and Nini widened her eyes.

"Are you okay, love?" She caressed my back and I nodded.

"I'm okay... Was he abusive when you stayed with him?" I asked and she shook her head.

"He was a soft guy. He wouldn't even hurt an insect... Why do you ask?" Nini replied and I pursed my lips.

I pulled up my shirt to show Nini my bruise and her jaw dropped.

"Matteo did this to you?" Nini looked closer to my bruise and I nodded.

"He planted a camera in our room which is why he knew you were going for labour. He wanted this family. My family. So I decided to buy time and ran away. W-was it a bad plan?" I played with my fingers nervously.

"Anya... I'm glad I married you. We will start a new life in Australia, arasso? As a lowkey tourist." She kissed my cheek and I smiled shyly.


We bought a simple apartment and I hired a private investigator to stalk Matteo's every move making sure he doesn't come close to my family anymore.

Surely he is pissed with my sudden elope but what would you do? I am only human and I deserve the happiness I earned.

I glanced at Nini who was happily playing with our 1 year old Ella by the beach.

It's been amazing.

Why didn't I think of staying lowkey and in another country?

This is the best decision ever made and with Nini plus my tiny mandu around, I felt the purpose of living. The purpose to love and see someone grow by your side, it's amazing.

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