Chapter 7: CEO of JJJ

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Author's note:

As promised, weekly update!

Okay, some of yall might be confused at this part. Always remember that Lisa's brain is currently at a childish stage. Kissing to her is possibly a normal thing between friends. All she knows is that sex is for making babies between husband and wife. She knows NOTHING about adult life so just follow through the story where Lisa didn't react much with the fact that Jennie just kissed her on the mouth.

Jennie POV

I keep forgetting that her behavior is like a kid when she asked me about her 'swollen pee pee'. I couldn't hold my laughter and eventually burst out laughing which made her even confused.

"Lisa... It's not swollen. It grows because you're turned on." I explained and she scratched her head.

"Turn on... Like a switch? I... I have electricity in me?" She asked and I laughed harder.

"No, Lisa... Anyways, just leave it. It will go back to your normal size again." I said and she nodded.

I looked at her confusedly.

I just kissed her... Did she not think differently?

"I'm glad you came back... Thank you. You're the best friend I ever had!" She smiled and I simply nodded.

I see... She thinks kissing is normal between friends.

"I will never leave you like others. I promise, okay? The world isn't that bad." I said and she pouted.

"But they are mean to me..." She sighed.

"I will protect you from today onwards." I said and her eyes sparkled.

"I love you, bestie!" She smiled widely before giving me a quick peck.

Ahh... It's definitely true then. She thinks kissing is normal for friends...

"I love you too, Lisa... Will you be okay if I stay here from now on? It would be easier for me to keep an eye on you." I asked her and she nodded quickly.

"Sleepover?! YAY!" She clapped excitedly.

I called up my bodyguards to deliver my belongings to move in with Lisa.

I have decided when I sew that teddy bear that I will take care of her from today onwards. If she sees the world as a mean place, I want to be light at the end of the tunnel. She deserves to be happy.

"Jennie... It's still swollen... I'm scared. What if I can't pee?" She pouted as she pointed to her crotch.

I guess I have no choice but to shower her.

"C'mon, get in the shower and I will give you a trick to make it normal again." I said as I pulled her into the shower and stripped her.

I took a deep breath before pulling down her sweatpants and boxers which made her cock sprung up.

Oh my God... I've never seen it up close. So this is how it looks like...

"Down pee pee, down... Hnn... It's still up..." Lisa whined as she tried to push her cock down but it sprung back up.

"O-okay, uhh... cold shower." I said as I adjusted the temperature and turned on the shower.

"C-cold! J-jennie!" She shivered as she hugged me quickly, making me soaking wet.

I shut my eyes when her cock was rubbing on my clothes. OH GOD WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!

"Lisa, look." I pointed to her cock that is calming down to its normal size again.

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