Chapter 5: Just friends

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Jennie POV

I stared at my living room TV showing Lisa's business event in Turkey live. The trip I was supposed to follow her but things took a turn.

She looks hot as always...

Her prominent nose... lazy brown eyes, piercing through you...

My heart skipped a beat when she looked at the camera, staring right into me.

"Princess, you okay?" Appa showed up behind me which made me flinch and I nodded.

"I heard the news. I didn't know you were still scared of flights? I thought you're okay with that by now?" Appa said and I looked at him confusedly.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked.

"Lisa said you didn't go because you got scared of flying. She told me to make sure you're okay when I get back." Appa said and I nodded before turning my attention back to the TV.

She is smart at covering points.

I think she's giving me time to think about it.

I frowned when Lisa shook her head before massaging her temples. She stopped doing that when the photographer ordered her to put her attention to the camera so she nodded and turned her head from one camera to another.

She squinted her eyes this time when the flashes got too intense.

"Appa... I-I think Lisa..." I said softly as I focused on Lisa who started walking away to the back of the stage but the CEO from Turkey grabbed her arm, whispering something to her.

"What is wrong with her?" Appa frowned and I covered my mouth when Lisa's body collapsed on live TV.

What made me pissed is the reporters didn't bother helping her but instead, came closer just to take more photos of her.

Lisa started pushing the cameras away before grabbing a fist of her hair, squinting her eyes.

"Appa... P-please, bring me to her." I started to tear up when Lisa started screaming for help but none...

Appa grabbed his phone and started calling his branch in Turkey to help Lisa get out of that mess.

I shook my head in disbelief when one of the reporters stood in front of the camera chuckling and commenting how Lisa is having her 'mental breakdowns' again.

Kai: Baby! Did you see the news? She's so dramatic! Hahaha!

Appa started running to his car so I chased after him.

"Are you going to her? Bring me along, Appa. Please." I said and Appa looked at me confusedly.

"I'm taking the private jet, sweetie. You would be scared-" I cut Appa off.

"I'm not scared, Appa. Lisa said that to cover up why I didn't follow her to Turkey. The truth is, I rejected the proposal and she gave me time to think about it so she gave me space. Appa, let me see her." I started to cry and he gulped before nodding.


Appa rubbed my back when I saw Lisa's critical condition.

There were so many tubes around her and she's back to her heavy breathing all over again.

What is wrong with me? How does our first encounter affect me so much and it has only been a day of nothing but mess.

"She wrote your name in her will." Appa said softly and I turned to him in shock.

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